China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-09-23



Why China's Xi Jinping looks to be pursuing a road back to socialism

"along with the wealth redistribution aspects of the communist path - Mr Xi also seems to believe that this means thrusting the Party back into most aspects of daily life"

--- Back to the future with Chinese characteristics?

"Some China watchers have speculated that he perhaps believes that only a strong leader can guarantee that China will not return to the chaos of the 1960s and 70s"

--- Could be. Although China didn't appear too chaotic in the last 2 decades before his ascent. So, it's probably more his delusions of grandeur, his idea that he is the only one fit to lead China, that make him seek absolute power.

"So it is hard to predict what new rules, restrictions or guidelines might be placed on economic activity in China or how far any of this will go.
In recent times, barely a week has gone by without a major change to the regulations governing one part of the Chinese system or another.
It has been, frankly, difficult to keep up with them. Many of these changes have come completely out of the blue."

--- Well, completely... You will probably find all of it in one of emperor Xi's speeches. Problem is: he talks a lot.


China tells Evergrande to avoid near-term dollar bond defaults

"Financial regulators in Beijing issued a broad set of instructions to China Evergrande Group, telling the embattled developer to focus on completing unfinished properties and repaying individual investors while avoiding a near-term default on dollar bonds"

--- Now that sounds positive, doesn't it? Clearly, the CCP is not willing to let Evergrande run aground. They will do everything to keep investors happy!

"There’s no indication that regulators offered financial support to Evergrande for the bond payment"

--- ... Er ... well ... But, clearly, on Wednesday Evergrande promised payments to domestic bond holders. So, there must be reason for optimism: Evergrande: Shares in crisis-hit firm jump as debt deadline looms

Evergrande bondholders waiting for coupon

"China Evergrande Group US dollar bondholders are still waiting for information about a key interest payment due on Thursday, with some holders having given up hope of getting a coupon payment by the deadline, a source familiar with the matter says."

--- In China, it's Friday morning by now. No word from Evergrande, it seems. Nothing on Chinese propaganda sites like Xinhua or China Daily, either.


"Evergrande was due to pay $US83.5 million ($A114.3 million) in interest on a $US2 billion offshore bond on Thursday and also has a $US47.5 million US-dollar-bond interest payment next week.
Both would default if the company, which has outstanding debt of $US305 billion, fails to settle the interest within 30 days of the scheduled payment dates."

--- Just a matter of hours now until Evergrande will promise a resolution to all its problems, I'm sure. Everything will be fine, shiny happy people everywhere & all the investors will keep pouring money into China.

China asks local goverments to get ready for possible collapse of Evergrande

"The officials characterized the actions being ordered as “getting ready for the possible storm,” saying that local-level government agencies and state-owned enterprises have been instructed to step in only at the last minute should Evergrande fail to manage its affairs in an orderly fashion.
They said that local governments have been tasked with preventing unrest"

--- See?! Everything will be fine! The authorities will prevent any unrest. Not that shiny, happy people would cause any unrest in the first place.


Taiwan seeks entry into key trade pact before China

"Taiwan's chief trade negotiator John Deng told reporters that if China joined the CPTPP first, "Taiwan's case to become a member will be at risk, this is fairly obvious".
The unanimous approval of all 11 members is needed for new countries to join the pact."

--- If China is in, it can veto Taiwan entering. Hence a reasonable step by Taiwan. I don't really see why any such organisation would actually want China to join, considering that the CCP doesn't like to follow international rules, but ... well ... all that Chinese money is probably too tempting.

"China has not yet commented on Taiwan's application - though it has in the past often insisted that Taiwan be excluded from many international bodies or to be labelled as part of China"

--- Not even a small tantrum. Surprising. Has Taiwan surprised the CCP?


UK warns Hong Kong security law critics of extradition risk posed by China

"[The] British government contacted me and other activists who were advocating for Magnitsky sanctions against Hong Kong officials to avoid travelling to countries with Hong Kong extradition treaties"

--- Some people on social media claim that it is dangerous now for HK dissidents to enter European countries with such treaties. But that's mostly nonsense. Most European countries wouldn't extradite dissidents. They may have trouble with justice for a while, depending on what HK/China accuses them of, but it's highly improbable that anyone would actually be deported.


China’s footprint in Georgia causes anxiety

"Communist Party “indoctrination” begins before students even leave for China, recalling how her Georgian lecturers at the Confucius Institute “warned students to avoid critical online posts about China if they wanted to get a scholarship.”"

--- Ugly Western racist anti-Chinese propaganda! Such warnings are absolutely unnecessary because every student of the Chinese language automatically inhales emperor Xi's positivism with the language. There is simply nothing to criticise in China.

"Under its wise and able leadership, China continues to amaze the world with its remarkable achievements"

--- That's how it is. Absolutely no brainwashing needed.



Is China’s pledge to cut overseas coal funding a game-changer?

Experts say China’s low-level cyberwar is becoming severe threat

How China harnesses data fusion to make sense of surveillance data

Ant Group to share consumer credit data with China’s central bank as regulatory overhaul continues



--- PBS: "China's vaccine faces scrutiny as Indonesians die despite shots, U.S. pledges donations"


--- DW News: "Indo-Pacific QUAD alliance holds first in-person meeting"


--- CNA: Chinese authorities warn local governments to prepare for potential Evergrande downfall

--- Bloomberg: China Should Remain a Global Player, Not Turn Inward: Wuttke

--- CNBC: Investors must be hesitant in China markets: Nuveen Global Equity CIO



Litauen warnt vor chinesischen Smartphones

"Das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) müsse den Hinweisen nun rasch nachgehen und das Ausmaß der Gefährdung bewerten."

--- Ist das nicht sowieso dessen Aufgabe?

"ein Sprecher von Xaomi sagte, sein Unternehmen halte sich an die Datenschutz-Regeln in der Europäischen Union: "Xiaomi hat und wird niemals persönliche Aktivitäten seiner Smartphone-Nutzer einschränken oder unterbinden.""

--- Daß das, so wie es da steht, gelogen ist, ist offensichtlich, da man in China ja nunmal die KPCh-Anweisungen befolgen muß.


Viel Wachstum, weniger Offenheit

"Wenn man die benachbarten Volkswirtschaften Südkorea, Japan oder Taiwan in Vergleich zu China setze, sei zu erkennen, dass jeweils 30 bis 40 Jahre nach Beginn der wirtschaftlichen Öffnung China fast identisch stark gewachsen ist wie die anderen Volkswirtschaften - bezogen aufs Bruttoinlandsprodukt pro Kopf. Nun aber sehe man, dass die Volksrepublik im Vergleich zurückfalle."

--- Das ist ein interessanter Punkt, der in den letzten 10 Jahren eher nicht beleuchtet wurde. Da hieß es immer nur, welch ein Wunder China mit seinem Wirtschaftswachstum geschafft habe. Daß das gar nicht so wunderbar war & daß z.B. Südkorea seinerzeit vergleichbare oder sogar bessere Wachstumsraten aufwies, fiel vielen Journalisten gar nicht auf.

Europäische Unternehmen besorgt über Chinas Autarkie-Bestrebungen

"Große Sorgen bereitet den Mitgliedern der Europäischen Handelskammer die Frage, inwieweit sie in der Lage sein werden, zum künftigen Wirtschaftswachstum Chinas beizutragen."

--- Anders ausgedrückt: Xinjiang, Tibet, Menschenrechte, scheißegal, aber wenn wir Angst um unseren Anteil am Kuchen haben müssen, dann können wir doch tatsächlich Kritik an China üben.


China hat sich während der Pandemie eingeigelt – das ist der Staatsführung gerade recht

"In der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2021 wurden in China laut der Nationalen Einwanderungsbehörde bloss 335 000 Pässe ausgestellt, ein Rückgang von 98 Prozent gegenüber dem Jahr 2019. Nur wer einen triftigen Grund hat wie Arbeit, Geschäftstätigkeit oder Studium im Ausland, erhält einen neuen oder erneuerten Pass"

--- Reisefreiheit mit chinesischen Charakteristiken.

"Bis China seine Landesgrenzen wieder öffnet, könnte es Jahre dauern. Der Sozialanthropologe Xiang Biao, der sich mit der Mobilität während der Pandemie beschäftigt hat, sagt: «Erst wenn die ganze Welt die Pandemie unter Kontrolle gebracht hat, wird China die Grenzen wieder öffnen.»"

--- Sieht so aus. Aber was, wenn die Pandemie nie unter Kontrolle gebracht wird, sondern es zu jährlichen Wellen kommt, wie bei der Grippe?

"Warum ins Ausland reisen, wenn es in China doch so viel besser ist? Schon heute haben viele Chinesen nicht mehr die geringste Lust, im Ausland zu leben oder zu arbeiten. Seit der Pandemie fürchten sie sich davor, zu reisen. Die Chinesische Mauer schlängelt sich längst durch die Köpfe der Menschen"

--- Kann sein, aber auch so wird es noch millionen von Chinesen geben, die sich die Lust auf's Ausland nicht nehmen lassen.



David gegen Goliath: Litauen und China liegen im Clinch

Die Linke & Tibet: SED & kein Ende



--- German Council on Foreign Relations: "Germany should diversify away from China"


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