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China news roundup / Nachrichten 2021-09-20


Japan urges Europe to speak out against China’s military expansion

"Japan has urged European countries to speak out against China’s aggression, warning that the international community must bolster deterrence efforts against Beijing’s military and territorial expansion amid a growing risk of a hot conflict."

--- The EU Commission is not so much afraid of a hot conflict, but of losing economic access. So, don't expect too much from the EU.

"A new Indo-Pacific strategy report last week showed China to be at the centre of EU concerns, but that the bloc was taking a cautious approach. The document warned regional tensions “may have a direct impact on European security and prosperity”, but urged “multifaceted engagement” with China."

--- In other words: We don't want to change the status quo.

"China says it pursues a military policy that is “defensive in nature”. “We develop military capacity out of self-defence purpose. We do not intend to and will not pose a threat to any country,”"

--- Totally defensive. But, you know, the whole world belongs to China. & therefore every military action we take anywhere is defensive by definition.

"Frank communication doesn’t appear to be working, critics say. China has ratcheted up its grey zone tactics: coercive activities which deliberately don’t meet the threshold for an act of war, but serve to exhaust and intimidate the other party."

--- & if you don't put a stop to it, China will simply push ever further. &, sooner or later, it will be too late & China feels so strong as to not stop when other countries finally had enough. Which means war.

Evergrande: Embattled China property giant sparks economy fears

"Firstly, many people bought property from Evergrande even before building work began. They have paid deposits and could potentially lose that money if it goes bust.
There are also the companies that do business with Evergrande. Firms including construction and design firms and materials suppliers are at risk of incurring major losses, which could force them into bankruptcy.
The third is the potential impact on China's financial system. "

--- 1 & 2 are real, 3 is largely a fear. There is virtually no danger of worldwide contagion, anyway, & yet, worldwide stocks are falling because of fear. Even cryptocurrencies go down because of this. Is the world really so full of morons?
Speaking of fear:

Chinese Property Developer Sinic Halts Trading After Sinking 87%

A Chinese student in Canada had two followers on Twitter. He still didn’t escape Beijing’s threats over online activity

"Soon after Dan got the warning from his father, a police officer contacted him on the WeChat social media app. Dan hadn’t accepted a new friend request, but the officer was able to send him messages and call him anyway."

--- Interesting not only that they could find his identity from an anonymous Twitter account, but also that they obviously have total access in Wechat. The Chinese Gestapo finds you everywhere.

"“The police told me the Ministry of Public Security (China’s internal policing department) tracked me by my IP address and knows where I live in Canada. They have evidence the Twitter account belongs to me,” Dan said, his voice dropping to a whisper. Police never spelled out what Dan had done wrong, exactly, such as whether he violated any Chinese internet regulations or committed any crime"

--- The usual commie intimidation tactics, so that people self-censor.

"Though Beijing’s targets in Canada tend to be people of Chinese origin, this is far from a fringe issue affecting a small population. Metro Vancouver has nearly 500,000 people of Chinese descent, about 20 percent of the region. The Greater Toronto Area has more than 630,000."

--- 'Tend' to be people of Chinese origin. In the future you will find ever more cases where that doesn't matter.

Hong Kong students held for ‘inciting subversion,’ accused of providing M&Ms for prisoners and of urging people to shun gov’t Covid app

"Police also searched the group’s storage space at a warehouse in Kwai Chung and confiscated items including dried fish snacks, M&M candies, bottles of body lotion, towels, postcards and flags."

--- Obviously highly dangerous items. Who wouldn't be afraid of a prisoner armed with M&M's?

South Korea's balancing act amid US-China Indo-Pacific rivalry

"In a later press conference, Wang was asked about South Korea's position in the US-China rivalry, to which he replied: "You should ask yourself whether you prefer the US or China," adding that China wants bilateral relations with South Korea to "develop further.""

--- Translation: Either you're with us or against us.
Or, in other words: You are either our vassal or our enemy.

China and the US were both born from armed conflict. They're now polar opposites on gun control

"The difference is stark when it comes to public safety. Despite being the world's most populous country, with 1.4 billion residents, China only records a few dozen gun crimes a year. And more broadly, violent crime has continued falling, reaching its lowest level in 20 years in 2020, according to state-run news outlet Xinhua."

--- Hence, according to the CCP. Maybe China has less violent crime than the USA. Don't know, since the situation in the US is often exaggerated. But from my own experience, it's very obvious that there is more violence than in Europe. So not really that safe.

China: Children given daily time limit on Douyin - its version of TikTok

China’s ugliest buildings: contest to celebrate unsightly architecture begins

--- China Uncensored: "Chinese Vlogger Cries After Seeing a Bank"

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--- Sky News (AUS): "‘Beyond doubt’ there was an ‘incident’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology"

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--- CNBC: Evergrande 'not too big to fail,' Chinese state media says

--- DW News: Could Evergrande collapse topple China's economy?

Der Fall Evergrande weckt böse Erinnerungen

"Ohne die gesetzlichen Verschärfungen aus Peking stünde Evergrande nicht am Abgrund. Es ist also anzunehmen, dass der Apparat einkalkuliert hat, dass Immobilienentwickler in existenzielle Gefahr geraten."

--- Evergrande war auch vorher schon überschuldet. Nur weil der Staat immer weiter Geld in den Immobiliensektor schob, konnte man sich überhaupt halten. & hat offenbar geglaubt, das ginge immer so weiter. Die neuen Regeln haben die Lage höchstens verschärft, aber früher oder später wäre Evergrande sowieso zusammengebrochen.

"Das chinesische Finanzsystem ist vom Rest der Welt stark abgeschottet. Eine Bankenpleite wie im Herbst 2008 von der Investmentbank Lehman Brothers ist beinahe unmöglich."

--- Endlich sagt's mal jemand.

"In Shanghai werden winzige Zwei-Zimmerwohnungen für acht Millionen Yuan angeboten. Die zu erwartende Miete: 7000 bis 8000 Yuan im Monat. Statistisch bräuchte man also tausend Monate, um die Wohnung abzubezahlen - 83 Jahre. Und das, obwohl in China niemand eine Wohnung offiziell besitzen darf. Denn das Bauland gehört dem Staat, China ist schließlich ein sozialistisches Land. Seit der Öffnungspolitik vor knapp 40 Jahren werden Immobilien lediglich für 70 Jahre verpachtet. Ein Investment, das man für 70 Jahre besitzt, aber 83 Jahre zahlt - nur mit dem strengen Glauben, dass die Kommunistische Partei den Immobilienmarkt schützen werde, ist das erklärbar"

--- & mit dem Glauben, daß die Immobilienpreise immer weiter steigen & man die Wohnung in ein paar Jahren mit extremem Gewinn wieder verkaufen kann.
vgl.: Sorgen um Chinas Immobilienriesen Evergrande belasten Märkte

Terror gegen die Neue Seidenstraße in Pakistan - China fürchtet mehr Anschläge nach Taliban-Sieg

"in Pakistan steht China im Fadenkreuz lokaler militanter Gruppen, und die Frequenz ihrer Angriffe auf Chinesen und Investitionsprojekte im Land nimmt zu. Angreifer reichen von pakistanischen Separatisten aus den Grenzregionen von Belutschistan und Sindh bis hin zu islamistischen Dschihad-Gruppen wie dem lokalen Taliban-Ableger Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Allein in diesem Jahr gab es bereits vier Anschläge auf prominente chinesische Ziele"

--- Die eiserne Freundschaft mit Pakistan. Könnte so ähnlich auch in Afghanistan kommen.

"„Die Taliban sagen allen dasselbe zu“, sagt Pantucci. Aber es gebe bisher keine Berichte von konkreten Kampagnen gegen Terrorgruppen vor Ort. „Warum auch?“, sagt Pantucci. Viele dieser Terrorgruppen hätten jahrelang mit den Taliban gekämpft. Jetzt haben die Taliban gewonnen - und da sollen sie sich gegen ihre einstigen Verbündeten richten, nur weil andere Staaten das wollen?"

--- Offiziell werden sie vermutlich diese Gruppen verbieten. Aber selbst wenn die Taliban das durchsetzen wollten, wird es vermutlich lokale Kommandeure geben, die da beide Augen zudrücken werden.

Fake-Rezensionen: Amazon hat 3000 Händler-Accounts rausgeworfen

"Die 3000 bestätigten Account-Sperren sollen das Wachstum chinesischer Online-Händler auf Amazon nicht beeinträchtigt haben, sagte Cindy Tai laut SCMP dem chinesischen Staatsfernsehen. Die E-Commerce-Analysefirma Marketpulse verzeichnet für 2021 zum ersten Mal seit Jahren einen Rückgang beim Marktanteil chinesischer Händler auf Amazon: Anfang des Jahres habe der Marktanteil noch bei 40 Prozent gelegen, im September liegt er mittlerweile nur noch bei 38 Prozent. In den Vorjahren war der Marktanteil chinesischer Anbieter jeweils um mehrere Prozentpunkte gestiegen."

--- Es gibt einfach soviele chinesische Anbieter (von denen wohl ein Großteil pfuscht), daß sich selbst großangelegte Aktionen kaum auswirken.

TikTok: Für Kinder in China nur noch 40 Minuten täglich – nachts gar nicht