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China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-15

English news:

China’s pressure and propaganda - the reality of reporting Xinjiang

"Over a period of less than 72 hours in Xinjiang we were followed constantly and, on five separate occasions, approached by people who attempted to stop us from filming in public, sometimes violently"

--- Obviously only to keep you from making serious errors which might threaten your security. The benevolent CCP is very much looking after foreign journalists.

"We offered the China Daily the opportunity to comment on the errors in its reporting.
In a reply, which failed to address our specific questions, it said that having visited Xinjiang and conducted interviews it has concluded that "there is no forced labour in Xinjiang"."

--- See? When China Daily reports it, it must be truth.
(Although, in a parallel universe it might suggest that the CCP is getting nervous about all that media attention for its cultural genocide (not only) in Xinjiang.)

US commission says China possibly committed 'genocide' against Uighurs

"These trends suggest that the Chinese government is intentionally working to destroy Uyghur and other minority families, culture, and religious adherence, all of which should be considered when determining whether the Chinese government is responsible for perpetrating atrocity crimes—including genocide—"

--- But China Daily says everything is fine in Xinjiang. They wouldn't lie to us, now would they?

Trump takes final swipe at China's biggest companies

"Over the last few months Mr Trump has targeted Chinese technology companies he believes share personal data with its [sic!] government"

--- "He believes"... As if Trump was alone in making these decisions. Very CNN-like reporting by the BBC.

"His latest round of restrictions announced on Thursday affect, among others, China's oil giant CNOOC and Xiaomi"

--- CNOOC is no surprise, but I wasn't aware of any military connections of Xiaomi. But, then again, under emperor Xi pretty much every Chinese company has to become part of the military-industrial complex if they offer some interesting technology.

Alibaba is facing an 'existential crisis'

"President Xi Jinping is urging officials to rein in the country's tech champions. Last month, he called efforts to strengthen anti-monopoly efforts against online platforms one of the most important goals for 2021"

--- The CCP couldn't care less about monopolies. They are afraid that some companies might become to influential & their bosses too independently-minded (see Jack Ma), but before all they see the potential for control over huge masses of data:

"Access to and control of data and digital platforms is key. Thus, if this means breaking up Alibaba or making it a quasi-state owned company, this could happen."

--- The CCP is all about power & control, after all.

"Friday, the Financial Times reported that Ant Group's major global investors have been left in limbo after investing billions of dollars in anticipation of the offering."

--- My heartfelt sympathy for these greedy idiots under the spell of Chinese money.

British QC prosecuting activists in Hong Kong fought to be allowed to take case

"Others, particularly among law officers, say that the law, including the involvement of British lawyers, provides one last source of British influence over liberty in Hong Kong"

--- Really? The laws are being changed to comply with commie-Chinese standards (if they are not completely ignored in the first place) & since judges can only rule according to the existing laws, there isn't much they can do.

Was the investment deal Europe signed with China worth it?

"many of the concessions highlighted by the Commission as unprecedented are a “a repackaging of existing wins.”"

--- A win-win so for China, so to speak.

"There are important new elements in the CAI, including promises"

--- Promises, promises. Chinese promises. 100% trustworthy, as always.

China COVID vaccine reports mixed results — what does that mean for the pandemic?

"When you’ve got communities that are absolutely desperate, and have no other choice, then this is a really great thing to have"

--- You mean like a drowning man clutching at a straw while 10 cm farther away is a pole?

--- Other news:

Two senior managers from one of China’s top vaccine companies have resigned

The Hui Descend From Mongol Era Central Asians

Video News:

--- China Uncensored features the usual weekend variety:

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--- Bloomberg: "U.S. Blacklists Cnooc, Xiaomi in Late Anti-China Push"

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--- WION: "Gravitas: China builds a sprawling quarantine centre, as Wuhan virus cases spike"

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Deutsche Nachrichten:

Scheidende US-Regierung wertet Taiwan auf

"Peking ist verstimmt."

--- Wer hätte das gedacht?

Chinas Präsident bittet Ex-Starbucks-Chef Schultz um Hilfe

"Es ist ein ungewöhnliches Hilfsgesuch"

--- Nicht wirklich, wenn man weiß, daß die Wall Street (naja, gewisse Teile der US-Wirtschaftselite) schon lange ziemlich prochinesisch agiert.

China geht zunehmend eigene Wege

"Die Entkopplung der beiden größten Volkswirtschaften der Welt wurde von US-Präsident Donald Trump angestoßen"

--- Quark. Spätestens mit der Machtübernahme durch Kaiser Xi gab es entsprechende Tendenzen in China bereits. Trumps Aggressivität hat diese vielleicht beschleunigt, aber nicht ausgelöst.

China, das (un)geliebte Anlegerland

"China haben dagegen nur wenige auf dem Schirm. Das könnte ein Fehler sein"

--- Ja, klar. Ist ja nicht so, als wenn der US-chinesische Handelskrieg oder Kaiser Xis Machtspielchen irgendwelche Risiken darstellten.

"Chinas Wirtschaft ist also wieder auf dem Vorkrisenniveau zurück"

--- Wenn man den offiziellen chinesischen Zahlen glaubt.

"können Anleger von beliebten Titeln wie Alibaba, Tencent und Baidu vorerst aufatmen"

--- Ja, besonders die von Alibaba. Da muß jetzt jeder deutsche Kleinanleger zuschlagen.

Paypal übernimmt chinesischen Bezahldienst komplett

"Der Bezahldienst-Markt in China ist hart umkämpft"

--- Aber ja doch. Nur ca. 95% des Marktes werden von Alipay & Wechat kontrolliert.

Handelskrieg: USA erachten Xiaomi als "chinesisch-kommunistische Militärfirma"

"Ein erster Stichtag soll laut US-Nachrichtendienst Reuters am 11. November 2021 erfolgen – von da an dürfen US-Firmen demnach nicht mehr in Unternehmen investieren, die mit dem chinesischen Militär in Verbindung gebracht werden."

--- Etwas überraschend, da ich Xiaomi in der Hinsicht bisher nicht auf dem Schirm hatte. Allerdings ist jede Firma mit entsprechenden Fertigkeiten genötigt, mit dem chinesischen Staat zusammenzuarbeiten.

Deutsches Video:

--- SZ: Impfungen im Schnellverfahren