China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-15

English news:

Nearly 100 million Chinese people supplied drinking water with ‘unsafe’ levels of toxic chemicals

"A team from Tsinghua University monitored the levels of per and polyfluoroalkyls (PFAS)
[...] concentration of PFAS in more than 20 per cent of the studied cities – 16 in total – exceeded safe levels"

--- Tsinghua University. So we probably can safely assume that the actual danger is much greater.

"China is now one of the largest manufacturers and consumers of PFAS but it has no guidelines for their presence in drinking water"

--- No problem, then. No regulation, no breach of regulation, no danger for the public. Simple logic.
Here's the whole study.

Hungary Welcomes EU’s First Chinese University Campus

"The Hungarian government says the new campus will “enhance” the educational standards of Hungarian universities, teaching knowledge and skills vital for the development of Hungary’s economy.
[...] Hungarian officials raised no objections to Fudan University amending its charter recently, which saw a commitment to “freedom of thought” being replaced with a pledge to follow the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party"

--- Obviously, Orban doesn't have a problem with the replacement of freedom of thought. Maybe, all that fuss about Orban's dislike for democratic rules was not as exaggerated as I thought it was.
But this can backfire for Fudan University, because I doubt that they can avoid on or near campus demonstrations by Chinese dissidents under EU rules. Could get interesting.

Coronavirus: China builds hospital in 5 days after virus surge

"China has built a 1,500-room hospital for COVID-19 patients in just five days"

--- Can't understand why Western media still fall for such nonsense & simply repeat CCP propaganda.

"Since Dec. 2020, epidemic clusters have occurred in Beijing, Sichuan, Liaoning, Hebei and Heilongjiang
[...] they are all imported from abroad, caused by travelers from overseas, or contaminated cold-chain imported items"

--- Yes, it's always these dirty foreigners trying to kill us poor, innocent Chinese. It's not as if we had rules for incoming travel which require arrivals to have negative tests & then anyway to stay in quarantine for 2-4 weeks.

News of Tibetan Self-Immolation Protest Surfaces After Five-Year Delay

"The burning brings to 157 the number of Tibetans confirmed to have set themselves on fire since 2009 to protest Chinese rule in Tibetan areas, and is the first to be reported since a 24-year-old Tibetan named Yonten died in Sichuan’s Ngaba (Aba) county’s Meruma township on Nov. 26, 2019."

--- Quite a delay in reporting, but better late than never.

It's 53% alcohol and tastes like fire. Here's how this liquor brand took over China

"Known as the favorite tipple of Mao Zedong, founder of Communist China
[...] Today, the brand is seen more as a luxury status symbol than for its "Red" roots."

--- I would like to say that a majority of sales in China are because people want to use it as a present or for bribery, but people also really drink that stuff.

"almost 97% of sales still came from China
[...] William Dong, managing director of Evershine Australia, which distributes Moutai in Australia, New Zealand and Italy, said that many people still need to be educated about what baijiu even is."

--- OK, I'll educate you: It tastes like puke mixed with medicinal alcohol.
Well, I'm biased because I don't like alcoholic beverages in general, but baijiu is really the worst stuff I ever tried.

Five Hong Kong democracy protesters who fled to Taiwan arrive in US to seek asylum

"Taiwanese media in August reported that the five tried to flee to the self-ruled island in late July and were intercepted by its authorities.
Officials in Taiwan have since kept a low profile regarding the case, declining to comment."

--- I wonder why they didn't stay in Taiwan, though. Even without official asylum status, Taiwan is rather sympathetic towards HK dissidents.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "“Sexist” Chinese Comedian Stirs Dangerous Debate Over Free Speech"

--- VOA: "British Lawmakers Allege China a ‘Criminal State' as Human Rights Abuses Intensify"

--- WION: "U.S imposed sanctions on 6 chinese officials | Hong-Kong"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Die schwierige Suche nach dem Ursprung

"Wir wissen, dass das Virus irgendwann in Fledermäusen auftauchte. Und wir wissen, dass in Wuhan im Dezember 2019 menschliche Fälle auftraten."

--- Fledermäuse 2012 in Yunnan. & ganz offensichtlich waren diese Fledermäuse Weltreisende, die erstmal in Indien, Italien, Frankreich & in den USA Leute mit dem Virus infizierten, die dann fieserweise nach Wuhan reisten, um dort die armen, unschuldigen Chinesen anzustecken.

"das Institut für Virologie in Wuhan hat sich mit Forschungen zu Fledermäusen international einen Namen gemacht. Dass es da einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Institut und dem Corona-Ausbruch gibt, ist bislang reine Spekulation. In der Beschreibung der Forschungsmission der WHO, über die monatelange mit China verhandelt wurde, kommt das Institut als möglicher Ursprungsort jedenfalls nicht vor."

--- & die WHO wird da mit ziemlicher Sicherheit auch nie etwas finden, da man als KPCh-hörige Organisation dem armen, unschuldigen Kaiser Xi nichts anhängen will.

US-Unterstützer: Fünf Demokratieaktivisten aus Hongkong beantragen Asyl in den USA

"Wenige Tage vor dem Ende der Amtszeit von Präsident Donald Trump hatte die US-Regierung am Freitag neue Sanktionen gegen sechs Vertreter Hongkongs und Chinas verhängt"

--- Verdientermaßen.

Finger weg vom China-Kracher: Billig-E-Auto entsetzt Experten

"Der Suda SA01 kostet inklusive Überführung und Mehrwertsteuer lediglich 19.390 Euro"

--- Lediglich? Total überzogen, meiner Meinung nach.

"Weil der Suda eine europäische Typgenehmigung als Kleinserie hat, muss er die heute üblichen Sicherheitsstandards nicht nachweisen und kann ohne Einschränkung zugelassen werden"

--- Europäische Naivität mal wieder? Oder schlicht Dummheit?

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