China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-11-27

English news:

China imposes swingeing tariffs on Australian wine in 'devastating blow' to exporters

"China has hit Australian wine with tariffs that will double or triple its price"

--- So much for the free trade agreement that China & Australia just signed.

"At least 60 ships laden with coal from Australian producers, which have been waiting for a month or more to unload, remain stuck off the coast of China, which has refused to let them come into port."

--- Because China is the last defender of free trade, obviously.

"A Chinese embassy official last week said Chinese ministers would not answer the phone to their Australian counterparts until Australia stopped treating China as a strategic threat"

--- Surely not because China's regime is full of immature, insecure, nationalist bullies.

China increases coal import quotas but Australia likely to be excluded

"It is hoped that the Australian side will do more things conducive to mutual trust and cooperation as is in line with the two sides’ comprehensive strategic partnership"

--- Translation: Kowtow, Australia!

Chinese doctors jailed for illegal organ harvesting

"The country now relies on public donations to its national organ bank.
Donor rates in China have increased in recent years but are still much lower than in other parts of the world - 4.4 donations per million people, compared with 49 per million in Spain"

--- & yet, there are virtually no waiting times in China if you need a donor organ. Almost as if they were still harvesting organs from prisoners. But, hey, they say they stopped doing that. & the CCP would never lie.

Now Chinese scientists claim coronavirus originated in INDIA in summer 2019 amid heatwave 'that forced humans and animals to drink the same water'

"Researchers say their evidence points to virus emerging in Bangladesh, the USA, Greece, Australia, India, Italy, Czech Republic, Russia or Serbia"

--- Just not China.

"A team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences argues the virus likely originated in India in summer 2019 - jumping from animals to humans via contaminated water - before travelling unnoticed to Wuhan"

--- Those bats from that Yunnan cave are clearly avid world travellers.

Uproar over Thanksgiving candies as Chinese university says it does not promote 'Western holidays with religious connotations'

"The Gregorian calendar also has religious connotations, shall we boycott it too?"

--- Good point! & what about the communist party? Clearly a Western cult.

Hong Kong protester gets 21 months in prison for throwing eggs as city's judiciary comes under pressure to take hard line

"Magistrate Winnie Lau said that while "an egg is not a weapon of mass destruction," the throwing of such items at a police station provoked "discontent" with the force, undermined officers' law enforcement actions, and endangered society"

--- Well, considering that statement, pretty much all of HK's cops should be imprisoned. They provoked most of the discontent, they undermined their own respect in society & they endangered citizens by indiscriminate firing of teargas, pepper & rubber bullets.

China's LGBTQ+ community seize census chance to stand up and be counted

"they are not my roommate, they are my partner"

--- Doesn't sound right. 'They' in Chinese has 3 variants: 1. 他们2. 她们3. 它们 = 1. m 2. f 3. n. Therefore it doesn't work the same way as the SJW's in the West use 'they'.

"Through the census this community can be made visible."

--- Yeah, right:

"China’s statistics bureau told Reuters that any additional information beyond the predefined responses for the “relationship to head of household” category would not be recorded"

--- Hence it doesn't make a difference, whatever they write.

"In an online survey by the local media company Ifeng, more than 67% of roughly 10 million people online said they supported legalising same sex marriage"

--- Highly dubious. Chinese society is extremely conservative. The younger generation is a bit more open, but I doubt that even among them there would be a majority in favour of same sex marriage.

China Confirms Watch List Targeting Taiwan Independence Backers

"China confirmed it’s compiling a global watch list of Taiwanese independence backers it plans to “punish,”
[...] The targets include “those who make arrogant remarks and conduct malicious actions to seek independence, and the leaders who organize, plan, and implement secession activities both inside and outside the Taiwan island, as well as their main funders and supporters.”"

--- Isn't it wonderful? China wants to rule the world.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored features the weekend variety again:

--- DW News: "What’s behind the growing trade dispute between China and Australia"

Not in the news (yet):

How Does China's Social Credit System Work?

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Massive Strafzölle auf australischen Wein

"Sie liegen zwischen 107 und 212 Prozent. Der Preis für eine Flasche australischen Wein kann sich dadurch in China also mehr als verdreifachen."

--- Das bringt es also, wenn man einen Freihandelsvertrag mit China abschließt. Interessant.

„China bedroht die Freiheit der Welt“

"Ich glaube, das Ziel der Regierung ist es, dass ich eine Haftstrafe nach der anderen absitze. Es liegen zwei Anklagen gegen mich vor, und es ist praktisch für die Regierung, mich hinter Gittern zu behalten"

--- Nicht unwahrscheinlich.

Apple verlagert angeblich weitere Teile der Fertigung von China nach Vietnam

"Auftragsfertiger Foxconn werde auf Geheiß des Konzerns die Fertigung von iPads und MacBooks künftig auch in Vietnam durchführen"

--- Apple wird nicht der einzige Foxconn-Kunde mit derartigen Wünschen sein. (Obwohl Vietnam da nicht unbedingt erste Wahl sein sollte. Da kann es auch leicht sein, daß ein Möchtegernkaiser ans Ruder kommt.)

"Apples Abhängigkeit von China als Hauptfertigungsstandort gilt zunehmend als Risiko"

--- Ist ja auch so. Sollte der Handelskrieg so weitergehen, ist es nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis auch Apple zum Ziel wird.

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