China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-11-25

English news:

China bears teeth in 'Wolf Warrior' trade diplomacy

"the flip side of this free trade talk is an increasingly aggressive stance against countries perceived as challenging China's interests"

--- Chinese talk is cheap.

"Just as Xi was banging the drum of free trade, China was enacting a punishing array of protectionist measures on Australia"

--- Even signing a free trade agreement with Australia as partner, while blocking Australian imports. Free trade with Chinese characteristics.

"Yielding to the demands of a dictatorship only invites ever more pressure for ever more concessions"

--- Yep.

Britain warns tech firms over risks of China expansion

"China. See the Potential. Know the Challenge"

--- Don't be naive!

China mulls new rules on foreigners to 'prohibit religious extremism'

"to prevent the spreading of "religious extremism," or use of religion "to undermine China's national or ethnic unity.""

--- Everything under emperor Xi must be sinicised. Only Han Chinese culture is true culture.

"the rules reflect a "longstanding fear of foreign pollution""

--- Because foreign barbarians are just dirty, even their thoughts are dirty.

A tale of two bridges: India and China vying for influence in the Maldives

"The China-Maldives Friendship Bridge, built with $200 million largely funded by Beijing
[...] India announced in August a $500 million package for its own bridge"

--- Would be intelligent for a small nation to play these giants against each other. Not so intelligent to take huge loans from China, though:

"53% of the Maldives' government revenue next year will be used for debt repayment -- of which more than 80% will go to China"

Japan, China agree on economic ties, split over islands

"Chinese ships entered Japan’s contiguous zone, just outside its territorial waters, for the 306th time this year, including 20 cases of territorial violations.
The Chinese ships entered the zone only a day after both sides agreed to avoid provocative actions in the contested area"

--- That's how long agreements with China hold.

Why Bhutan's Sakteng wildlife sanctuary is disputed by China

"the area had never featured in 24 previous rounds of boundary talks"

--- Well, we only just noticed that we like to have this area. Which means it has been Chinese since ancient times. Simple logic.

--- Other news:

Which Chinese city will be the biggest loser in 2020? It’s not Wuhan

US-China trade war: Trump gives one last twist

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "U.S. Big Tech Has a Big China Problem"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Chinas Sicherheitsgesetz ist ein Testballon für die ganze Welt

"Ein europäischer Staatsbürger könnte, wenn er einen der vage formulierten Straftatbestände des „Sicherheitsgesetzes“ erfüllt, auf der Durchreise durch ein Land, das mit Hongkong ein Auslieferungsabkommen hat, festgesetzt – und schließlich nach Hongkong ausgeliefert werden."

--- Stimmt. Allerdings hat auch der Westen noch gewaltigen ökonomischen & damit diplomatischen Einfluss in der Welt. Von daher werden es vermutlich nur die wenigsten Staaten wagen, einfach so jemanden an China auszuliefern.

Chinesische Halbleiterfertigung: 17-Milliarden-Euro-Projekt HSMC insolvent

"Schon früher wurden Stimmen laut, dass HSMC von Verzögerungen, schlechter Kommunikation und wenig Know-how unter den Entscheidungsträgern geplagt ist. Demnach wollten Lokalregierung und Investoren um die Gunst der chinesischen Regierung buhlen, ohne viel Ahnung von der Halbleiterindustrie zu haben."

--- Sowas kommt in China häufiger vor, & wird unter Kaiser Xi noch häufiger werden. Einer der Gründe, warum ich die wirtschaftliche Zukunft wesentlich pessimistischer einschätze als viele westliche Ökonomen.

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