China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-11-10

English news:

Covid: Bolsonaro hails suspension of Chinese vaccine trial

"A pause in a clinical trial is not unusual."

--- Yep. So, you shouldn't read too much into this news.
Anyway, it must have 'hurt all Chinese' already enough that Biontech/Pfizer seems to be ahead in vaccine development.

ICC Uighur genocide complaint backed by parliamentarians around world

"The complaint, backed by more than 60 parliamentarians from 16 countries, says the Chinese government may be committing crimes amounting to genocide and other crimes against humanity against the Uighur and other Turkic peoples"

--- May be. Hmm. There is not much doubt about crimes against humanity, for what I can see. But, anyway, China is no signatory to the ICC & will ignore any ruling (after a little tantrum).

"The letter claims mass deportation of Uighurs has occurred in Tajikistan and Cambodia, both signatories to the ICC"

--- Which would make the ICC accept the case.

Hong Kong journalist appears in court as crackdown fears grow

"Choy's case has been adjourned until January 14, while police finish their investigation."

--- The police in a police state investigating a reporter who accused the cops of helping criminals. What could go wrong?

"pro-democracy lawmakers threatened to resign en masse over reports that Beijing could seek to have them removed"

--- Just a symbolic act. Don't really see what they would achieve by resigning. Not that it would make much of a difference if they don't resign. Either way, democracy in HK is dead.

India-China Himalaya conflict: Does Beijing have an advantage after talks stall?

"It looks like China is trying to use a war of attrition to wear down the Indian forces"

--- As the CCP likes to do.

"I expect India to either yield to pressure over time, negotiate a compromise, or lower its vigilance and give the Chinese armed forces an opportunity to strike at a vulnerable area and inflict defeat on India"

--- Not unlikely. But in that event you can expect even more economic boycotts of Chinese products. Not that that would impress the CCP very much.

Xi Jinping is fighting a new enemy—Genghis Khan

"the Chinese president is trying to rewrite history, downplaying all elements and characters in the history of China who were not Han Chinese"

--- But of course. Untermenschen played absolutely no significant part in Chinese history. They were just so awed by superior Han culture that they submitted willingly to Han rule & gave up their freedom to serve Han emperors.

China’s pork prices drop for the first time in more than a year as shortage eases

"Pork prices fell 2.8% in October from a year ago [...] The drop was the first since February 2019, or more than a year-and-a-half ago"

--- Still far from normal, but at least this indicates that the situation is not getting worse anymore. Although the effect of the regime selling pork reserves shouldn't be overlooked.

--- Other news:

China's Singles Day: 3m people, 4,000 planes and cargo ships

Chinese glaciers melting at 'shocking' pace, scientists say

Video News:

--- Sky News (AUS): "China 'is out to do Australia economic harm' because it wants to 'silence us'"

--- Reuters: "K-pop stars, a panda, and anger in China"

--- SCMP: "University canteen staff in China wash vegetables with feet"

Not in the news (yet):

President of the European Chamber, in Shanghai, gets disconnected when discussing forced labour with European politicians

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Warum China so lange zu Bidens Sieg schweigt

"Was das Gratulationsschreiben angeht, so folge man „internationaler Praxis“."

--- Internationale Praxis ist so eine Sache, wenn es aus vielen Staaten schon Gratulationen gibt. Vermutlich meint man mit 'internationaler Praxis' 'wie Kaiser Xi gerade Lust hat, internationale Beziehung zu handhaben'.

"In Peking fürchtet man, dass der scheidende Präsident auf der Suche nach einem Sündenbock für die verlorene Wahl nach Peking schauen könnte"

--- Kann sein.

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