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China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-11-09

English news:

Hong Kong security law: Why students abroad fear it

"It applies to everyone in the world, everywhere in the world. People who break the law can be prosecuted if they go to Hong Kong.
[...] Anyone who criticises China and travels to Hong Kong is potentially at risk of arrest under the new law."

--- Not necessarily a threat for everyone who criticises China, but if you did & travel to China or HK, & just then your government angered the CCP somehow, you might become a hostage ... er ... might get arrested for breaking various Chinese laws. (Well, actually, that might happen anyway, even without the state security law. But breaking that law makes you an easier target, perhaps.)

"We don't record seminars, you can't associate a specific set of words or opinions with individuals, and we've sent out lots of reminders about etiquette"

--- If you don't record, I'm sure there will be a number of Chinese students willing to do so.

"At Oxford University, an associate professor involved in Chinese studies is allowing her students to submit their work anonymously to protect them"

--- But how do you grade them? There will always be a way to fit work to grade to name.

"Newcastle's Prof Tang [who] has close ties with Wuhan University in China[:] "I do not want to talk too much about politics. If people ask me whether China has breached international law, I will tell them that I am not an expert in the field.""

--- A professor. In Britain.

U.S. to announce sanctions on four people over Hong Kong crackdown: sources

"The United States plans to impose sanctions on four people over their alleged involvement in crushing dissent in Hong Kong, two sources familiar with the matter said on Monday.
The sources did not name the four people."

--- Then why not wait 1 hour or so & go to the actual source? Syria Designations; Syria-related Designations; Hong Kong-related Designations

Chinese government sidesteps question on when it will congratulate US President-elect Biden

"More than 24 hours after US media declared Biden victorious, China remains one of the few major countries yet to send a message of congratulations"

--- Since when does the US media declaring something make it official? There are still votes being counted & re-counted, & there are legal challenges. It's quite presumptuous by some media outlets to think that the world should only listen to them.

"We will handle the issue of the statement (of congratulations) in accordance with international practice"

--- Well, that Chinese statement is just as nonsensical. Many international leaders already congratulated. Funny enough, those who didn't seem to include mostly (wannabe-)dictators like Xi, Putin or Erdogan. Perhaps they are not happy that their fellow wannabe-dictator Trump has been voted out?

"By adhering to this approach and strengthening the ballast of their trade ties, the two countries can regain the generally positive momentum"

--- Strengthening the ballast of their trade ties? I'm not sure the China Daily knows what it is writing.

"In part, frayed ties are a result of Beijing's own increasingly aggressive foreign policy and its military expansionism, as well as growing international dismay at the continued human rights abuses in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong"

--- Never forget!
Related Bloomberg video: How Relations With China Could Change Under Biden

How the 'durian of soup' became the hippest dish in China

"State media reported 2.5 million luosifen packets were produced daily in June 2020"

--- Remember this number for later. (CNN human interest stories are obviously just the same nonsensical crap like from the BBC. The authors don't seem to have the least sense of skepticism.)

"the snail may stand out as the most unusual ingredient in luosifen"

--- No, it doesn't. Snails are commonly eaten in China. Nothing unusual about it at all.

"local bamboo shoots are what give soul to the noodle soupevery bamboo shoot packet sold with luosifen is handmade according to Liuzhou traditions, say manufacturers"

--- Yeah, right. Only local bamboo shoots, for millions of packets. Hand-picked, handmade.

"Rather than adding flavoring powders, the luosifen broth -- often condensed in packets -- is created through protracted cooking processes, with bulks of snails, chicken bones and pig marrow bones"

--- Everything totally natural, I'm sure.
Having said that, the recipy somehow reminds me of suan la fen. Dammit, I miss that.

German frozen pork prompts new coronavirus case in China

"Chinese authorities said at the weekend that the packaging of a frozen pork knuckle sample imported from the northwestern German city of Bremen had triggered a new coronavirus case"

--- Those ugly foreigners again.
But, you have to wonder, with all those cases arising from handling frozen food, couldn't they have adapted the way they handle it by now? So, either they are lying about the virus source, or they have problems with their hygiene procedures.

"a contaminated forklift, a doorknob at the cold storage facility, located in China-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, also tested positive for COVID-19"

--- Frozen Wuhan virus seems to spread like wildfire.

--- Other news:

Taiwan says not invited to WHO meeting after China's 'obstruction'

Xi Jinping at Buddhism’s Core

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Wave of Arrests Sweep Hong Kong"

Open in new window

--- BBC News: "Milk Tea Alliance: Thai and Hong Kong activists on fight for democracy"

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--- Sky News: "The Unseen Battle For The South China Sea"

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Deutsche Nachrichten:

Die US-Wahl ist eine Chance für Peking

"Zwei Dinge meint Chinas Führung in den vergangenen Jahren verstanden zu haben: Erstens, das Gerede der Amerikaner von Moral, Anstand und Demokratie ist nichts als leere Worte. Ein Werkzeug, um andere Staaten zu gängeln und zu unterdrücken, wenn es ihnen gerade passt. Und zweitens, egal, wer in Washington regiert, die Amerikaner werden versuchen, China an seinem Aufstieg zu hindern."

--- & von daher braucht man an eine großartige Entspannung nach Bidens Wahl gar nicht zu denken. Spätestens wenn Kaiser Xi versucht, Taiwan zu erobern, kommt es zum großen Krach.

Von Asien lernen

"Den einen entscheidenden Faktor in der Virusbekämpfung – Regierungsform, Lage, Klima, Demografie – wird man nicht finden."

--- Stimmt, aber es gibt gewisse Kombinationen von Faktoren, die einen größeren Erfolg versprechen.

"Das geht in Asien mitunter zu Lasten des Datenschutzes"

--- Womit eines der größten Probleme für Europa angesprochen ist.

"In den genannten Ländern kommt noch eine dritte Gemeinsamkeit zum Tragen: Sie haben ihre Grenzen geschlossen"

--- Das zweite größere Problem für Europa. Der Aufschrei ist ja enorm, wenn es zu Einschränkungen der Reisefreiheit kommt.
Ist halt schwierig, in Europa politisch & gesellschaftlich akzeptierte Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Da radikale Maßnahmen kaum durchsetzbar sind, ist das Ganze ein Balanceakt auf des Messers Schneide.

Harmlose Museumspartnerschaft oder chinesische Staatspropaganda?

"Die Hauptakteure im Weltschlösserverband sind nicht einfach chinesische Museumsbetreiber, sondern grosse wirtschaftliche und politische Akteure, die sogar in Einheitsfrontorganisationen mitwirken"

--- Wenn die chinesische Einheitsfront involviert ist, sollten eigentlich schon jede Menge Warnleuchten angehen. Aber, hey, ist doch nur kultureller Austausch. Gelle?

Deutsche Schweinshaxe als Grund für neuen Corona-Fall in China?

"Tests hätten danach ergeben, dass Virus-Spuren an der Verpackung einer gefrorenen Schweinshaxe entdeckt worden seien"

--- Ich hätte ja gedacht, daß durch Tests Virusspuren entdeckt worden seien. FAZ-Praktikanten mal wieder an der Arbeit?

"Tianjin sei zudem in den „Kriegsmodus“ übergegangen"

--- Kein Wunder, wenn die fiesen Ausländer Biowaffen einsetzen.

Freundbild China

"die neue Mobilfunkgeneration 5G wird die Welt verändern, genauso, wie ihre Vorgänger. Nur dieses Mal ist es nicht der Westen, der das Tempo vorgibt, sondern Huawei"

--- Quark. Die meisten 5G-Patente werden immer noch von westlichen Firmen gehalten.

"Gegenüber China zeigt sich der alte Kontinent hingegen stets reserviert, ängstlich, misstrauisch."

--- Hä? Europa? Ein großer Teil europäischer Politiker träumt noch immer von der tollen politischen & wirtschaftlichen Offenheit, die die KPCh seit Jahrzehnten verspricht. Erst in den letzten ein oder zwei Jahren ist man vermehrt aufgewacht.

"In den vergangenen Jahren verfolgte China eine pluralistische, weltoffene Politik, erklärt Kaminski"

--- Der Witz des Tages.

"Oder sieht man in China einen Partner, genauso wie in den USA, und profitiert vom Aufschwung der Volksrepublik."

--- Genau, wir müssen profitieren. Wenn kümmern da Konzentrationslager & kultureller Genozid?
Damit geht der Titel des Propagandaartikels der Woche (die gerade erst angefangen hat) an die Wiener Zeitung.