China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-11-02

English news:

In hunt for virus source, WHO let China take charge

"there is still no transparent, independent investigation into the source of the virus"

--- & there won't be. Not as long as emperor Xi is in power.

"the health organization pushed misleading and contradictory information about the risk of spread from symptomless carriers. Its experts were slow to accept that the virus could be airborne. Top health officials encouraged travel as usual, advice that was based on politics and economics"

--- Mostly because the CCP told them so. & WHO 'experts' were happy to praise China for all this 'advice'.

"The health organization has agreed that key parts of the inquiry — about the first patients in China and the market’s role in the outbreak — will be led by Chinese scientists"

--- Which means, there will be no investigation at all. They will simply agree that China has done all it could & that the virus origin cannot be found.

"In January, Dr. Tedros had announced that China had agreed to share biological samples. Nothing ever came of it"

--- Surprise. But, hey, we should praise China, anyway, perhaps that makes them share more in the future. Right?

"Chinese officials then said that the organization should start investigating in Europe, pointing to reports that the virus had been discovered in sewage systems there last year"

--- See, everything is fine in China. Must be those ugly Westerners that hid the first Wuhan virus outbreaks which killed thousands in Europe before some dirty Europeans spread it in Wuhan.

Chinese flyovers towards Taiwan peaked in October amid rising tensions

"the PLA had invaded Taiwan’s air identification zone on at least 25 days last month"

--- Not even every day of the month. So much constraint by China. Impressive.

"a “modern-day Asia Fulda Gap”, referring to the region between East and West Germany that was considered the most likely place for a US-Soviet Union Cold War clash"

--- Grmph! Referring to a region in West Germany that was considered a likely invasion corridor for Soviet forces.

Germany refuses to turn a 'blind eye' to China, teams up with Australia

"AKK, said that Europe had become increasingly aware of China's economic agenda and geopolitical tactics in the past year"

--- Most of Europe. There are still some people heavy asleep.

"Germany is, in principle, open to investment from all sides. But if the technology offered to us is not beyond reproach, it cannot be used"

--- Shocking! That hurt the feelings of all Chinese!

"I am convinced territorial disputes, violations of international law and China’s ambitions for global supremacy can only be approached multilaterally."

--- Even more shocking! China is a truly benevolent hegem... er ... mons ... er ... giant with only the best & totally peaceful intentions.

"The Chinese Communist Party reinserted the word “peaceful” in its desire to unify with Taiwan through its Five Year Plan last week, after omitting it in May"

--- See? Totally peaceful. Absolutely not inserted because its lacking was waking people up to ill intentions.

China-Australia relations: import ban on Australian copper, sugar expected after blocks on lobster, timber, barley

"found a pest, the bark beetle Ips grandicollis, in imported log timber from Queensland
[...] had found contamination in barley shipments"

--- Free trade with Chinese characteristics. Absolutely not related to any political questions. It's just that we can't let stuff contaminated by Australian hands into the country.

"bans on copper ore and copper concentrate, as well as sugar, are expected to be introduced this week"

--- Because we are absolutely sure to find some contamination there as well.

Australia’s economic dependency on China 'will not change', says former ambassador to Beijing

"it’s an asymmetrical relationship [and] whether we like it or not, we need China more than they need us"

--- Therefore we need to submit. We should suck up to the CCP & lick emperor Xi's boots. Because then we can earn more money.

"Diplomacy and pragmatic foreign policy should be about getting outcomes and results that are in your interests."

--- & my interest is in Chinese money. Fuck democracy, free trade & free speech. As long as China pays for our products, we should do what the CCP wants.

"recognising China’s territorial integrity, the legitimacy of the Communist party as the governing party of China and China’s ascendancy as a major power in the region and one that needs to be respected for that"

--- Exactly. We should respect that China wants the whole South-China-Sea, we should respect that they want the Senkakus, parts of India & Nepal, & before all, we should respect their right to invade Taiwan.

China says will safeguard Chinese journalists' rights after U.S. visa rule

"China will take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese journalists"

--- Wouldn't it be nice, if China actually safeguarded the legitimate rights & interests of foreign journalists in China?

Zhejiang Police Question Wikipedia User for “Scaling the Wall”

"one netizen in Zhejiang was detained and interrogated by the police for the “crime” of “scaling the wall”:
[...] the individual downloaded Lantern (which they found through a Baidu search) and used the app to access Wikipedia beginning in 2019"

--- Next time some 'China lover' tells you that it's not illegal for Chinese to use VPN et al. to get through the Great Firewall, you know what to refer to.

Jack Ma Summoned by China’s Regulators on Eve of Ant Debut

"it will be treated as a financial holding company and subject to regulations regarding capital and leverage similar to banks"

--- Well, the question is why that wouldn't have happened long ago, since much of Ant Financial's business is similar to banking.

"Ant Group will implement the meeting opinions in depth"

--- Implementing opinions?

--- Other news:

The ‘Tyranny’ of Parent Teacher Social Media Chat Groups

China’s manufacturing sector expands for sixth straight month as pandemic fallout fades, private survey shows

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "US-Japan Military Drill to Counter China"

--- BBC News: "Mongolians battle to keep culture alive in China"

--- Reuters: "China preaches the material over spiritual in Tibet"

--- Other videos:

DW News: Chinese manufacturing index hits 10 year high

Arte: China: The Wuhan Paradox I ARTE Documentary

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Warum hat China keine zweite Welle?

"Persönliche Freiheitsrechte oder Datenschutz spielen dabei keine Rolle - etwa bei der Nachverfolgung von Kontakten."

--- Ein wesentlicher Grund für die Einhegung der Pandemie.

"Gesundheit ist wichtiger als Freiheit oder Datenschutz, so die gängige Meinung."

--- Mag sein, Taiwan zeigt aber, daß es auch mit weniger drastischen Maßnahmen als in China geht. Obwohl auch diese Maßnahmen den Quergläubigen in Deutschland vermutlich zu weit gehen.

"Gegen staatliche Maßnahmen vor Gericht zu klagen oder zu demonstrieren ist in der Volksrepublik eh nicht möglich"

--- Tja.

VW lobt das „konsequente Handeln“ Chinas: Die gefährliche Abhängigkeit der deutschen Autobauer von dem autoritären Regime

"Wie es der chinesischen Führung gelungen sei, die Erholung der Wirtschaft als „scharfes V“ hinzubekommen, nach dem sich weltweit alle sehnen. Wie gut die Führung es hinbekommen habe, das Virus einzudämmen. „Konsequentes Handeln führt zu Ergebnissen“, lobt Witter."

--- VW scheint da seine betriebliche Tradition fortzusetzen. Nur daß man von den Nazis zu den Kommis gewechselt ist. (Nicht, daß da ein großer Unterschied besteht.)
Einige Beispiele dafür, was dieser VW-Manager so toll findet:

Spitzenlaune in Chinas Chefetagen

"Über 50 Punkte zeigt der Index eine Expansion der Industrie an, während darunter von einer Kontraktion auszugehen ist."

--- Es geht aber nur um die Veränderung zum Vormonat.

"So konnte China als erste große Volkswirtschaft den Virus-bedingten Wachstumseinbruch wieder ausgebügeln"

--- Weil man im Nachhinein die Zahlen aus 2019 nach unten korrigierte.

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