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China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-10-22

English news:

China warns Canada to halt ‘blatant interference’ as feud continues

"Earlier this week, a Canadian parliamentary committee concluded China’s actions against ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang province constituted a genocide and called for sanctions"

--- Wouldn't it also be a good idea not to take part in the Winter Olympics?
Anyway, nice to see some clear words coming out of Canada. Now we need to see some actions.

"the Government of China’s actions are a clear attempt to eradicate Uyghur culture and religion"

--- Which is cultural genocide. Forced abortions & insertion of IUDs clearly goes in the direction of actual genocide.

"Zhao said Canada’s report on the Uihgurs had “turned a blind eye to the political stability” in the region"

--- Right he is. Who cares about human rights if you have stability?

US approves $1.8bn weapons sale to Taiwan

"a move that is likely to increase tensions with China"

--- A phrase that is likely to appear in every article covering US-Taiwan relations. Seems like the tensions increased every few days in recent months. Why aren't we at war yet?
Speaking of moves that are likely to increase tensions with China:
China irked by appointment of US Special Coordinator for Tibet

China berates German lawmakers for Taiwan talks

"The Chinese embassy in Berlin issued a sharp rebuke Wednesday after the German parliament's human rights committee hosted a meeting with Taiwanese politicians."

--- How dare you talk to people we don't like?! German MP's are only allowed to meet people emperor Xi approves of.

Why China doesn't care who wins the White House

"the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people are mostly indifferent to who wins in November"

--- Well, they definitely do care. But there are various expectations & hence differing opinions on who would be better for China. Don't know whether I would call that indifference.

"Trump has enabled Xi Jinping to rally the Chinese people around ethno-nationalism"

--- Yeah, right. CNN with its Trump vendetta. Ethno-nationalism was a thing before Trump. Emperor Xi only reinforced it & Trump's policies may have increased its acceptance in China, but he sure did not enable it.

Dreams of a Red Emperor: The relentless rise of Xi Jinping

"He speaks in Marxist terms of class struggle and uses Maoist tactics such as self-criticism and rectification, but his brand of communism also promotes Confucius and e-commerce"

--- Whatever keeps him in power.

"He targeted corruption, taking on officials as powerful as Zhou Yongkang, the former head of China’s security apparatus."

--- They forgot to mention that for some strange coincidence, the cadres targeted for corruption were from competing commie factions, never his allies.

--- Other news:

Cat and mouse on the high seas: on the trail of China's vast squid fleet

China’s Nuclear Program Baffled Soviet Intelligence

China, Vatican extend deal on bishops for two years

Mesut Ozil: Is China a factor in midfielder's exile from Arsenal squad?

Video News:

--- America Uncovered: "Trump vs Biden on China"

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cf.: PBS: Where Trump and Biden stand on dealing with China

--- DW News: "Chinese minorities: From Xinjiang to Tibet?"

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--- DW News: "China and the Coronavirus: From Superspreader Nation to Economic Winner?"

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--- ABC News: "How China is flexing its military muscle under the rule of Chinese President Xi Jinping"

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Deutsche Nachrichten:

China kritisiert deutsche Abgeordnete wegen Treffen mit Taiwanern

"Das Treffen ersetzte eine für Ende September geplante Reise von Ausschussmitgliedern nach Taipeh"

--- Was vermutlich ein noch stärkeres chinesisches Tantrum herbeigeführt hätte. Ist ja auch ungeheuerlich, daß deutsche Parlamentarier sich mit Leuten treffen, die die KPCh nicht mag.

Hongkong protestiert bei Generalkonsul

"Verwaltungschef Matthew Cheung habe bei dem Treffen mit dem deutschen Diplomaten nachdrücklich protestiert dagegen, dass Deutschland, "Kriminellen Unterschlupf" gewähre."

--- Deutliches Zeichen, daß es die richtige Entscheidung war, Asyl zu gewähren.

Die Wahrheit über China als Corona-Gewinner

"Chinas Wirtschaft dagegen brummt."

--- Kommt drauf an. Was läuft, ist v.a. abhängig von staatlichen Infrastrukturausgaben. Exportwachstum gibt es hauptsächlich im Gesundheitssektor, Importe v.a. im Lebensmittelbereich. In den Großstädten an Ost- & Südostküste läuft es wieder halbwegs normal, im Hinterland noch lange nicht.
Vgl.: Chinas fragwürdiger Aufschwung

--- Weiteres:

Banken unterstützen China : Trump zum Trotz

Wie China deutsche Unternehmen unter Druck setzt

Risikogebiet für die Halbleiterindustrie

China droht Schweden mit Vergeltung