China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-09-15

English news:

India-China border: stand-off continues in Chushul, where ‘mountains eat up men’

"neither side backing down despite their foreign ministers having agreed five days ago to improve mutual trust
and de-escalate tensions"

--- Surprise.

"Both sides disagree on where the LAC lies, with New Delhi claiming that Chinese troops are 8km into Indian territory"

--- Well, yeah, it's a problem to retreat from the LAC if you don't agree first where it actually is.
A: You retreat first, you are on our side of the LAC.
B: No, you do, & you are.
A: No, it's you.
B: You!
A: You!

Xinjiang: US to block some exports citing China's human rights abuses

"The export ban includes garments, cotton, computer parts and hair products from five entities in Xinjiang as well as Anhui province
The orders [...] fall short of the region-wide ban that it had considered"

--- Probably more to come.

US and UK warn travellers of risk of arbitrary arrest in China and Hong Kong

"Several foreigners have been detained in China on national security charges in recent months, including Canadians, Australians, Japanese and at least one American"

--- Whenever your government falls foul of the CCP you should not go to (or be in) China. & since you don't know whether or when your government falls foul, you better don't go there in the first place.

"The EU at the meeting requested that President Xi release three “arbitrarily detained” foreigners: Swedish citizen Gui Minhai, as well as the two Canadians, former diplomat Michael Kovrig and entrepreneur Michael Spavor"

--- Wow! & I'm sure that the EU was very serious about this, & China will definitely set them free very soon. Every moment now. Won't be long. You'll see.

China’s Inhumane ‘Guilty-by-Association’

"It used to be that authorities harassed, intimidated, and monitored activists’ partners. But increasingly they are being detained and charged with crimes themselves."

--- While the wider family is harassed, intimidated & monitored.

China, Indonesia sea dispute hot and getting hotter

"While China recognizes Indonesian sovereignty over its northernmost Natuna archipelago, it has always refused to provide the exact coordinates of the nine-dash line"

--- No reason to do so. Everywhere a Chinese is, is China. Whatever place China wants, belongs to China. After all, emperor Xi has the mandate of heaven.

"Marsudi and other senior officials also continue to insist there is no overlapping jurisdictions with China and that Indonesia has never recognized the nine-dash line"

--- Too bad that China seems to have a different opinion.

China’s micro-aggressions against Taiwan have reached the world of birding

"BirdLife decided on Sept. 7 to remove it as a partner after the Taiwanese group refused to meet requests including that it sign a document committing to not promoting Taiwanese independence"

--- Because that is a major source of concern for a birding society.

"BirdLife also said the Taiwanese group posed a risk to the organization"

--- Because of Chinese 'micro-aggressions'? Micro aggressions only exist in the minds of people who feel (!) offended. Chinese threats are real, although admittedly in this case we don't know what that threat might have been.

Sydney news: UTS recommended staff censor for Chinese students

"The university's working group recommended teaching material avoid any mention of topics which may be politically sensitive, citing territories of China as one example"

--- Probably also afraid of Chinese 'micro-aggressions'.

China's economy shrugs off global slump as shoppers join the recovery

"Tuesday's data revealed other positive signs. Industrial production and capital spending picked up in August, while the unemployment rate nudged slightly lower — 5.6% in August compared to 5.7% in July."

--- CNN again taking Chinese numbers at face value.

--- Other news:

China locks down city on Myanmar border over coronavirus

Culture war: Inner Mongolia seethes as China presses Mandarin at school

Hong Kong was once a safe haven from China. Now activists are fleeing the city by boat to Taiwan

Video News:

--- China Unscripted: "Satellite Images Reveal Xinjiang Uyghur Concentration Camps | Megha Rajagopalan"

--- SCMP: "Mongolians fear loss of languages as China pushes Mandarin at school"

--- HK Free Press: "HKFP_Live Replay: Tour of Hong Kong's newly reopened Tiananmen Massacre museum"

--- AFP: "Concrete jungle: China's 'vertical forest' overrun by greenery"

--- Another of those great ecological showcase projects not really working out...

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Die EU pflegt ein zu wohlwollendes Bild von China

"Die nationalen Programme wie "Chinesische Standards 2035", "Made in China 2025", "Strategie zweier Kreisläufe" und der bald zu verabschiedende Fünf-Jahres-Plan zeugen allesamt von einem China, das sich aus der globalen Integration herauszieht und auf nationale Stärke setzt."

--- Ach wo! Alles gar kein Problem. Man muß nur miteinander reden. Hat ja auch bisher extrem gut funktioniert. Gelle?

USA blockieren Chinas "Sklaverei"-Produkte

"Die schätzungsweise zehn Millionen Uiguren in China sind ethnisch mit Türken verwandt und fühlen sich von den herrschenden Han-Chinesen unterdrückt."

--- Wer jetzt noch nicht begriffen hat, daß die Uiguren sich nicht nur unterdrückt fühlen, sondern tatsächlich unterdrückt werden, bei dem ist wohl Hopfen & Malz verloren.

Chinas Aufholjagd

"Im zweiten Quartal lag das chinesische Bruttoinlandsprodukt aber bereits wieder 3,2 Prozent höher als im Vergleichszeitraum des Jahres 2019"

--- Wie CNN übernimmt die Tagesschau einfach mal kommentarlos die offiziellen chinesischen Zahlen.

TikTok: Oracle-Deal löst Probleme nicht, wahrt aber Trumps Gesicht

"so viel ist bekannt: ByteDance verkauft das US-Geschäft TikToks nicht. Dafür wird Oracle zum Hoster und "trusted technology partner" TikToks in den USA"

--- Erstmal abwarten, wie die Details aussehen & ob das dann von den US-Behörden so akzeptiert wird.

--- Weiteres:

"Mulan" - ein Flop auf ganzer Linie

China nimmt die Medien als Geisel

China und EU wollen einheimische Produkte vor Nachahmung schützen

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