China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-27

English news:

Hong Kong: China arrests 10 after intercepting boat 'fleeing Hong Kong'

"detained on suspicion of "unlawfully crossing the border""

--- Hm, which border? To China? If not, are HK boats forbidden from leaving HK waters?

"Attempts by people from Hong Kong to flee the territory by boat are considered to be rare."

--- That's the past. I suspect the numbers will grow.

Visas ‘weaponised’: Gov’t denies Hong Kong Free Press editor a work visa, without explanation, after 6-month wait

"The Immigration Department’s rejection for HKFP’s incoming editor Aaron Mc Nicholas was handed down without any official reason"

--- Obviously only to safeguard the impartial & factual reporting by news media in HK. What else could it be?

"many other news outlets remain in limbo amid unprecedented visa delays"

--- Obviously only because they have not been reporting in an impartial & factual way. What else could it be?

"each case was processed in accordance with the law"

--- Obviously, because commie authorities would never admit otherwise.

South China Sea: US unveils first sanctions linked to militarisation

"blacklisted 24 Chinese companies"

--- Here's the complete list.

"the State Department said it would impose visa restrictions on Chinese individuals “responsible for, or complicit in” such action and those linked to China’s “use of coercion against south-east Asian claimants to inhibit their access to offshore resources”"

--- Nice.

"on Wednesday China launched four medium-range ballistic missiles that landed in the South China Sea"

--- Obviously not in anger. Just a demonstration of peaceful intentions.

Canadian COVID-19 clinical trial scrapped after China wouldn't ship potential vaccine

"some divisions of the Chinese government were not clear on whether the vaccine should "go to global trials or how to handle it.""

--- Obviously totally unrelated to political tensions between Canada & China.
Just wait till a vaccine is ready to see how China will sell ... er ... give the vaccine to all countries (who kowtowed in the right way).

Coronavirus: Vaccine front-runner China already inoculating workers

"Sinopharm said it hopes to have it ready to go on sale by December. It even named a price, equivalent to about $140 (£106)."

--- Pass. That price is a bit much, particularly considering that we don't know yet whether (& how often) vaccination needs to be repeated.

Blanked-Out Spots On China's Maps Helped Us Uncover Xinjiang's Camps

"In total there were 5 million masked tiles across Xinjiang. They seemed to cover any area of even the slightest strategic importance — military bases and training grounds, prisons, power plants, but also mines and some commercial and industrial facilities."

--- How censorship helps to identify "strategically significant" places.

"Typically, there would be an older detention center in the middle of the town, while on the outskirts there would be a new camp and prison"

--- How nice the Chinese are, building new de... er ... education centres for these poor, barbarian Uighurs.

"In total we identified 428 locations in Xinjiang bearing the hallmarks of prisons and detention centers. Many of these locations contain two to three detention facilities — a camp, pretrial administrative detention center, or prison"

--- Of those, 50 were closed & some 60 were part of the original prison system. So, absolutely nothing to hide in Xinjiang. All is fine in the land of shiny happy people.

Chinese dissident brought to US by Obama administration praises Trump at RNC

"critics accusing him of espousing ring-wing views and conspiracy theories"

--- I wonder what ring-wingers are. Some kind of weird sex cult?

"Chen attacked "the policy of appeasement of former administrations -- including Obama and Biden,""

--- Blasphemy! (acc. to CNN anyway) So ungrateful! Obama helped bring him to the USA & now Chen criticises him. How dare he?! & he even supports the devil incarnate, Trump!

--- Other news:

TikTok boss quits as Trump's ban looms

Coronavirus: Flights within China to 'fully recover' next month

Uighur outrage at Liberal MP Jing Lee’s links with Beijing propaganda arm

China makes proposal to U.S. in concession to solve accounting dispute

China is Heating Up Faster Than The Global Average, Data Shows

Video News:

--- America Uncovered: "Is the US Ready for a War With China?"

--- Bloomberg: "China Fires Missiles Into Disputed Sea; U.S. Sanctions"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Deputy ambassador's words 'did not match China's actions'"

--- BBC News: "China has no domestic cases of coronavirus but lockdown in Xinjiang continues"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

China schießt zwei Mittelstreckenraketen ins Meer

"Die ungewöhnliche Demonstration militärischer Stärke"

--- Jau. Die US-Militärs werden jetzt bestimmt vor Furcht zittern: "China hat Raketen ins Wasser geschossen!"

"Chinesen, die an der Aufschüttung und "Militarisierung" künstlicher Inseln in dem umstrittenen Seegebiet beteiligt seien, würden mit Einreisesperren belegt, teilte Pompeo mit. Das US-Handelsministerium setzte zudem 24 chinesische Unternehmen auf eine schwarze Liste"

--- & was macht die EU? Vermutlich ist man immer noch besorgt. Oder beobachtet die Lage aufmerksam.

Tiktok-Chef Mayer tritt zurück

"Die jüngste Entwicklung habe dazu geführt, dass der Chefposten eine andere Bedeutung haben würde als bei Mayers Verpflichtung geplant gewesen sei"

--- War bestimmt absolut nicht vorhersehbar.

Deutsches Video:

--- Arte: "Taiwan: Asyl für Hongkongs Demokraten"

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