China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-22/23

English news:

China's Communist Party is a threat to the world, says former elite insider

"Cai said Xi's "reign of terror" did not come from a position of strength -- instead, it exposed his deep sense of insecurity. "He's the one who's the most scared. That's why he launched round after round of purges inside the Party,""

--- Funny, how all these commie dictators seem to have similar fears & reactions upon those.

"Without internal reforms, conflicts and tensions will build up and one day erupt all at once, causing the sudden collapse of the Party-state system and plunging the country into chaos"

--- That's what I see coming, too. The question is how long it takes & how much damage will be done.

How China uses Muslim press trips to counter claims of Uighur abuse

"He also learned some of the reasons why they had been detained, including wearing the hijab, praying in public and reading the Qur’an."

--- They read a book without a CCP author! This is obviously one of the worst crimes there is.

"he was also approached by the Chinese embassy in Albania, who hinted that staying silent would be beneficial for him. “They told me, please don’t write, don’t say anything, and if you be quiet, you will be the friend of China.”"

--- Friendship with Chinese characteristics: Don't criticise anything Chinese!

Op-ed: What Japan’s 1980s boom and bust can tell us about the Chinese economy

"While Chinese authorities have introduced capitalistic elements, China for all intents and purposes remains a command economy with the government firmly in control"

--- Well, that worked quite well for the last 30 years. The major problem now is that the government has become one man only: emperor Xi.

"China knows it can survive and thrive in a world led by the U.S. The U.S., on the other hand, does not know that its values and interests would be safe in a world led by China."

--- It's highly probably that they wouldn't be safe. So, there is quite some motivation to counter China's rise.

A bubble? The stellar growth of China's e-commerce upstart Pinduoduo

"a company that is just about to turn five years old but is valued more highly than the oil giant Shell, or HSBC"

--- Another company with no history, no profit. Value for nothing?
OK, people invest in the future, but considering the creative bookkeeping in China, this is quite the risk.

China Occupying Land In 7 Border Districts, Says Nepal Survey Department

"According to a report by the Survey Department of Agriculture Ministry of Nepal, China has illegally occupied Nepal's land in several places spreading over seven bordering districts."

--- That is of course a lie. Nepal ... er ... these places in Nepal have been Chinese since ancient times.

China Is Driving A Wedge Into The Internet: What Can We Do About It?

"Why should we continue to give China access to internet markets throughout the world if the country expressly refuses to follow the rules of the open internet?"

--- I've been wondering that for a long time. Reciprocity is the wonder word.

TikTok to launch legal action against Trump over ban

"To ensure that the rule of law is not discarded and that our company and users are treated fairly, we have no choice but to challenge the executive order through the judicial system"

--- Aren't you happy to have such a judicial system in the US? Why not try the same in China?

"The app is viewed by some as being a key instrument in China's internal surveillance apparatus"

--- By some? This BBC nonsense again. Who?
Anyway, I don't think its use for surveillance is the major problem for business in the US. It's more about user data & Chinese propaganda.

Your data is not destined for China, assures TikTok’s UK boss

"Cybersecurity experts who have pored over the app’s source code say the data it collects, and the way it handles it, are no different to apps such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn."

--- Which experts? From what I have read, TikTok does collect more data. & the way it handles the data is not about the app, but about what the mother company in China does with it.
The whole article is essentially a TikTok PR piece.

--- Other news:

Hong Kong is part of China… except for exports?

How to Prepare for the Worst in China and Why You Should

Spat at, segregated, policed: Hong Kong's dark-skinned minorities say they've never felt accepted

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Three Gorges Dam Tested as China Floods Worsen"

--- Sky News (AUS): "China recruits Australian scientists and academics to secretive research program"

--- The Economist: "China: facial recognition and state control"

Not in the news (yet):

Chinese security guards, best in the world

Going green with Chinese characteristics

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Trump droht mit wirtschaftlicher Entkoppelung

"Amerikas Präsident droht, sämtliche Geschäfte mit China einstellen zu wollen."

--- Er droht, etwas zu wollen? Die FAZ & die deutsche Sprache...

„Der Geist der Opferbereitschaft“

"Die chinesische Regierung hebt hervor, dass es „absolut freiwillig“ sei, sich das Mittel spritzen zu lassen, und das Unternehmen verwies darauf, dass sich auch 30 eigene Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte beteiligt hätten [... im ...] „Geist der Opferbereitschaft“"

--- Wenn die 'freiwilligen' Testkandidaten solche Helden sind, ist an wohl in China von der Sicherheit der Impfstoffe noch nicht so wirklich überzeugt.

Geheimnis China-Abkommen

"Es ist offensichtlich, dass Chinas Diktatoren auf die Dauer den Verpflichtungen aus dem Abkommen mit dem Heiligen Stuhl nicht nachkommen werden"

--- Eben. Der Papst sollte also höchst vorsichtig sein bei einer eventuellen Verlängerung.

Weihnachten kann kommen

"Es gibt in China sehr viele Hersteller für Weihnachtsprodukte. Die Waren könnten dieses Jahr sogar etwas günstiger sein als sonst. Wir haben nämlich weniger Bestellungen herein bekommen, wir haben also gewisse Überkapazitäten."

--- Da hat die Pandemie ja auch etwas Gutes.
(Der alljährliche Yiwu-Artikel kommt aber früh dieses Jahr.)

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