China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-10

English news:

Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested under new security law

"In a separate incident the pro-democracy activist Agnes Chow was also arrested under the new law"

--- Well, at least the commies are dropping all pretence now. Not much left of autonomous HK.

"Later, police barred news organisations including Reuters, Agence France-Presse, the Associated Press and the public broadcaster RTHK from attending a press conference about the search"

--- Welcome to China.

"Chinese and Hong Kong officials had promised the security law would not impinge on the city’s civil freedoms"

--- Promises with Chinese characteristics.
But Hongkongers don't take it lying down. Opposition activists bought up shares in Apple Daily's mother company Next Digital: ‘Protest rally’: Stock price soars by 300% after police arrest Apple Daily owner Jimmy Lai and raid newsroom
Tuesday's edition of Apple Daily is selling like hot cakes.

Jimmy Lai: Hong Kong's rebel mogul and pro-democracy voice

"I have enormous respect for Mr. Lai. Clearly a man with courage and probably among the very very few who has maintained his business interests without diluting his principles"

--- In China, that means jail.
cf.: Jimmy Lai: the Hong Kong pro-democracy tycoon who is not afraid to take on Beijing

Activists in UK seek private prosecution of British expatriate cops over Hong Kong protest ‘torture’

"the senior officers who are British nationals remained liable for offences – including torture – in the UK, which claims universal jurisdiction for such offences."

--- Nice idea. They will be stuck in a Hong Kong quickly becoming a commie hellhole. Then again, they perhaps won't care. As long as they kowtow to their commie overlords, they will have a nice life in HK (or China).
Meanwhile: China imposes sanctions on US senators over Hong Kong (largely symbolic)

Apple imported clothes from Xinjiang firm facing US forced labour sanctions

"We wouldn’t tolerate it [slave labour]. We would terminate a supplier relationship if it was found"

--- That's why we're not looking too hard...

Geopolitical cold war with China would be a dangerous mistake, economist Jeffrey Sachs says

"to play with the facts and the lies that we’re saying about China right now has consequences"

--- Sadly, he doesn't mention the actual lies. So, we don't know whether this highly intellectual idio... er ... individual believes that there are no concentration camps in Xinjiang. Or that the new national security law for HK is a rumour. Or that China doesn't encroach on other countries territories in the South China Sea. Or doesn't threaten Taiwan with war.

"He urged global leaders to come together on issues like climate change"

--- Yes! Let us believe in China's promises! Because we have seen that China always keeps them.

3 Lessons from Chinese Firms on Effective Digital Collaboration

"Songxia is a city two hours south of Shanghai that’s home to a cluster of umbrella manufacturing businesses. Because of their physical proximity, ideas and intellectual property are shared de facto"

--- That's one of their examples why it would be a good idea to have a "super-app" like Wechat. Either they have no idea about Wechat or they are quite naive.

*"> "Another example of this is the open-source community, in which code is shared freely"

--- I doubt that there is a lot of shared code in Wechat. Quite some illegally copied proprietary code, but Wechat itself doesn't really share much, except for API's.
Anyway, open source is already quite popular in the West, more so than in China, actually, so I don't really see how that fits into the narrative of learning from China.

In Rural China, Villagers Say They're Forced From Farm Homes To High-Rises

"he went out for a walk and came home to discover local officials preparing to demolish his home.
When he called the police on the demolishers, they arrested him instead"

--- Ah, China, land of the free (rein of commies).

"Officials say lumping far-flung villages together streamlines administrative functions, enabling efficient delivery of services and infrastructure, while allowing villagers to upgrade their housing."

--- After they sterilised the culture in the cities, now they are trying to kill the germ of variety in the villages.
Of course only with the greater good in mind.

"By moving villagers from sprawling farmhouses into smaller apartments in multistory buildings, local governments can consolidate land and sell it at a high margin to commercial property developers"

--- Well, the greater good of CCP officials. They need a lot of money to live an acceptable lifestyle, after all.

--- Other news:

Curtains for the nail house? New plan targets China's most defiant homeowners

Twitter 'looking' at a possible TikTok tie-up

Trump WeChat ban 'an unwelcome signal' for Chinese community

Road test: Chinese 'robotaxis' take riders for a spin

Jiankou - China's remote and dangerous Great Wall

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "China to DOUBLE Nuclear Warheads"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Arrest of Hong Kong democracy activist reaffirms the 'end of independent Hong Kong'"

--- DW News: "Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai arrested under new security law"

--- DW News: "What does Jimmy Lai's arrest mean for Hong Kong pro-democracy activists?"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Medienunternehmer Lai festgenommen

"Neben Lai wurden auch seine beiden Söhne Timothy und Ian sowie mehrere Mitglieder der Geschäftsführung festgenommen, berichtete Lais Tageszeitung "Apple Daily". Ein Großaufgebot von Beamten habe die Büros seiner Firma durchsucht."

--- Außerdem wurde auch Agnes Chow festgenommen. So langsam zeigen die Kommis in HK ihr wahres Gesicht.

Pekings deutscher China Club

"Als große Vorbilder gelten in Peking immer noch Ex-Kanzler Helmut Schmidt, der direkt nach dem Tiananmen-Massaker als erster westlicher Politiker zum damaligen Staatsführer Deng Xiaoping reiste, oder der frühere bayerische Ministerpräsident Franz Josef Strauß, der Chinas Politik in Tibet lobte. Auch Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder folgt ihren Spuren"

--- China-Appeasement hat Tradition in Deutschland.

Das Schwert des Sieges schärfen

"nicht nur international bedeutet das Vorgehen einen Verstoß gegen ethnische Normen"

--- Ethnische Normen? Ethische Normen mit chinesischen Charakteristiken?

"Bei internationalen Firmen ist eine mögliche Impfpflicht in China bereits Thema. Mitarbeiter fordern, das Land verlassen zu dürfen, sollte die chinesische Impfpflicht kommen."

--- Sehr vernünftig.

China empört über Besuch von US-Gesundheitsminister in Taiwan

"Die chinesische Regierung verurteilte den Besuch bereits im Vorfeld als Bedrohung für den "Frieden und die Stabilität" in Ostasien."

--- Klar doch. Mit Taiwan beim Kampf gegen das Wuhanvirus zusammenzuarbeiten ist extrem gefährlich. Man könnte ja auf die gleichen Gedanken kommen, die man auf Taiwan hat: China ist nicht zu trauen.

TikTok will Donald Trump verklagen

"TikTok plant, beim US-Bundesbezirksgericht für das Südliche Kalifornien Klage gegen den US-Präsidenten zu erheben, um den Erlass für unwirksam erklären zu lassen."

--- Wie gut, daß man in den USA ist, wo es doch tatsächlich möglich ist, die Regierung zu verklagen.

--- Weiteres:

Huawei: Uns gehen die eigenen Hightech-Chips aus

Chinas Große Firewall blockiert nun TLS 1.3 mit ESNI

Wie sich Afrika in der Pandemie bei China verschuldet

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