China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-08-06

English news:

Google deletes 2,500 China-linked YouTube channels over disinformation

"the channels were removed between April and June “as part of our ongoing investigation into coordinated influence operations linked to China.“"

--- So, not really news. & seemingly not very influential channels, because else it would have become obvious by now.

Falun Gong and moral panic

"The great irony is that ABC journalists no doubt understand themselves to be crusading against the forces of bigotry and intolerance. Yet they have committed the ultimate act of “othering.” They have used propagandistic techniques, emotional appeals, caricatures, and tropes to frame Falun Gong as a dangerous threat and morally deviant."

--- Seems like Australia also has its share of 'progressives' doing the CCP's bidding.

Academic journal reviewer says Hong Kong should be written as ‘Xianggang’ in row over official name

"“One of the reviewers requests me to add Mandarin Pinyin and remove all colonialism-related wordings,” he wrote. “Perhaps he or she is from China? My answer to the requests is NO.”"

--- Perhaps a Chinese commie or nammie. But could just as well a Western 'progressive' like the ones mentioned above.

Hong Kong foreign press says journalists being targeted in US-China stand-off

"Restricting journalists in Hong Kong by reducing their numbers and interfering with their ability to report freely will damage Hong Kong's international standing and reputation"

--- It seems, by now the HK administration doesn't really care anymore.

China sentences Canadian to death on drugs charge

"China's foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said there was no connection between the case and the current state of China-Canada relations."

--- But of course not.
Well, OK, the timing is suspicious, but in this case it actually really seems unrelated. The CCP sees everyone with Chinese ancestors as Chinese, so this guy was probably just treated like any other Chinese.

'They just pull up everything!' Chinese fleet raises fears for Galápagos sea life

"Transferring cargo between vessels is prohibited under international maritime law yet the Chinese flotilla has supply and storage ships along with longline and squid fishing boats"

--- Chinese companies not following international rules? That is unheard of!

"The Chinese embassy in Quito said that China was a “responsible fishing nation” with a “zero-tolerance” attitude towards illegal fishing"

--- See? Absolutely nothing going on.

Coronavirus: Canada zoo struggles to return pandas to China

"China has not approved international permits due to pandemic-related changes in its import laws and quarantine facilities"

--- Just like Chinese students abroad, pandas from abroad are not welcome in China.

China’s economic growth indicators are ‘lopsided,’ analyst says

"Even though they may have launched the virus, they were pretty good at quelling it. That’s the advantage of an authoritarian regime"

--- This nonsense gets repeated again & again. Taiwan is a functioning democracy. No problems with keeping the Wuhan virus in check.

"Steel and iron ore production have been strong in China, “but nobody can quite figure out where all these metals are going,”"

--- Doesn't matter. Produce, produce, produce. We can sell it later. (Perhaps.)

--- Other news:

Indian Premier League: China's Vivo dropped as cricket tournament sponsor

China's major state banks start internal testing of digital wallet application: media

The role of Chinese cultural values in illegal wildlife trade interventions

Video News:

--- WION: "Gravitas: How China infiltrates campuses"

--- Hoover Institution: "From Huawei To Hong Kong: How The US And China Are Clashing Around The World"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Doppelte Provokation für China

"ein Sprecher des Außenministeriums [...] forderte Washington auf, „jeglichen offiziellen Austausch mit Taiwan einzustellen, um Schaden von den chinesisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen abzuwenden und die Stabilität in der Taiwan-Straße zu bewahren“"

--- Viel schlechter können die chinesisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen eigentlich kaum werden.
& die Stabilität wird wohl eher von China bedroht.

Sesam, öffne dich nicht

"Das US-Landwirtschaftsministerium hat 14 Arten erkannt, darunter Senf, Kohl, Hibiskus, Rosen, Minze oder Lavendel"

--- Immerhin ungefährlich.

"einem Sprecher des chinesischen Außenministeriums zufolge seien auch chinesische Absenderinfos gefälscht"

--- China ist natürlich Opfer. Wie immer.

Amerika stellt Cyber-Offensive gegen China vor

"„Chinesische Anwendungen bedrohen unsere Privatsphäre, verbreiten Viren und verbreiten Propaganda und Desinformationen. Die sensibelsten persönlichen und geschäftlichen Daten der Amerikaner müssen auf ihren Mobiltelefonen vor Ausbeutung und Diebstahl zum Nutzen der KPCh geschützt werden“"

--- Nur zu wahr. (Natürlich ein bißchen ironisch, da die US-Regierung auch nicht gerade zimperlich beim Datenschutz ist.)
vgl.: US-Regierung will Netzwerke und Apps von Chinesen "säubern"

Datenschutzbedenken: Politiker erwägen Rückzug von Tiktok

"Wir prüfen derzeit umfassend, ob wir Tiktok weiter nutzen"

--- Warum wird so ein Schrott überhaupt in einem Ministerium genutzt?

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