China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-21

English news:

China eyes stricter oversight of foreign teachers

"The new guidelines would require teachers to undergo at least 20 hours of training on topics such as the Chinese constitution"

--- Hmm, promoting much of the stuff that is in the Chinese constitution (like democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc.) would get you fired according to the new guidelines (or even arrested).
Had I not already decided not to work in China again, this would be a good moment to do so. I can only advise anyone thinking about working in China to wait until emperor Xi is gone.
More info here.

US charges Chinese hackers for wide-ranging activities, including Covid research intrusions

"The pair worked from China, where they are still believed to be located."

--- So, not much will happen to them. But interesting that the US was able to identify these 2 & to associate them with fairly specific offences.

US sanctions 11 Chinese companies over human rights abuses in Xinjiang

"the restrictions would ensure that US goods and tech are not used in "the Chinese Communist Party's despicable offensive against defenseless Muslim minority populations.""

--- Too late, I suppose. But probably a worthy effort, anyway.

"The US abuses export control measures under the pretext of so-called human rights"

--- Yes! These so-called human rights, which China agreed to when it joined the UN, are totally obsolete. Only rights that benevolent emperor Xi decides to bestow upon his subjects are valid.

China accuses WSJ of lying over Ericsson/Nokia story

"keen to show the WSJ that two can play at the anonymous sources game, the Global Times quoted an unnamed former Ericsson exec as saying “[The Wall Street Journal] wants to destroy China-EU friendly relations.”"

--- According to Chinese laws & regulations, the GT now is guilty of rumour mongering.

China’s Lockheed Martin sanctions reveal limited options in fighting economic war with US

"a harsh reality for Beijing: it has far fewer choices to inflict pain on American businesses than Washington does against Chinese firms"

--- If your rules are already much stricter than on the other side, it's difficult to come up with even tougher measures.

"Look at Intel, Qualcomm and Nvidia, all of these semiconductor companies. For some of them, more than 50 per cent of their sales come from China"

--- Problem is, without these sales, many Chinese companies would be unable to provide competitive high-tech.

The 'perfect Uighur': outgoing and hard working – but still not safe from China's camps

"Dilara made a mistake. She moved to Turkey"

--- Highly suspicious, of course. China under benevolent emperor Xi is heaven for Uighurs. Obviously, they would only leave with evil intentions.

"When they tried to check into their hotel, the clerk told them, “I’m sorry, we can’t allow people from Xinjiang to stay here.”"

--- No dogs & Uighurs allowed.
cf.: Britain has no ethical option but to keep up the pressure on China over the Uighurs

China's military capabilities are gaining on the U.S. The Pentagon needs to take bold steps.

"If the Pentagon's own reported war games and analysis are to be believed, the current force may well be insufficient to deter or defeat Chinese aggression in the future"

--- If ...
During the Cold War they also constantly lamented their lack of capabilities. It is highly dubious that China currently would be able to take Taiwan against a US intervention, although they are working on it. No need for alarmism.

China’s Blockchain Infrastructure to Extend Global Reach With Six Public Chains

"China's plan to be the one and only infrastructure provider for blockchain firms around the world"

--- Oh great! Decentralisation out of the window. Brave new world.

"“It is like ByteDance behind TikTok,” Da said. “The international version of the app does not necessarily comply with the Chinese regulation but the local regulations from the countries [where] it is used."

--- & just like Bytedance & TikTok it can't be trusted.

Australia’s iron ore exports to China strong, but weak global demand indicates mixed coronavirus recovery

"This was driven not only by a rise in demand from China, but also a fall in the supply of iron ore from mines in Brazil"

--- Goes to show that China only punishes other countries economically if it doesn't suffer itself. So, China needs iron ore & Brazil can't sell, it goes to Australia instead.

--- Other news:

China’s commercial real estate developers see growth in 3 key areas of a post-coronavirus economy

Secret Morse code tune sees game removed in China

China bought more US debt in May despite talk of financial war amid rising trans-Pacific tensions

Former officer says her conscience guided her to quit Hong Kong Police Force

Video News:

--- BBC Newsnight: "UK-China relations: A turning point in global foreign policy?"

Not in the news (yet):

Arrested for talking back to HK cops

Arrested for cosplaying in front of HK cops

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Peking bekommt Gegenwind

"Das Jahr läuft schlecht für Trump, aber für den chinesischen Präsidenten läuft es international noch weit schlechter."

--- National hat er auch so seine Probleme. Es rumort in der KPCh.
vgl.: China droht Großbritannien mit „energischem Gegenangriff“

Washington setzt weitere chinesische Unternehmen auf Schwarze Liste

"Die Unternehmen seien an Menschenrechtsverletzungen an Uiguren und andere muslimische Minderheiten beteiligt"

--- Solche Maßnahmen dürften China eher wehtun als Sanktionen gegen einzelne Funktionäre. Mal sehen, wie das weitergeht.

Studie: China hält Investitionshürden für Ausländer aufrecht

"In der Studie werden drei rechtliche Faktoren dafür genannt: die „Negativliste“ für ausländische Direktinvestitionen, das chinesische Gesetz für ausländische Investitionen, und die Vorschriften des sogenannten „Social Credit System“ (SCS)"

--- Kann doch gar nicht sein. Kaiser Xi tut alles, damit sich ausländische Firmen in China wohlfühlen. Naja, oder zumindest soviel Geld (& IP) wie möglich da lassen.

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