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China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-11/12

English news:

Trump is a bigot and a hypocrite, but he’s right to condemn China

"just because Trump exploits China’s human rights abuses when it suits him doesn’t mean those abuses don’t exist – or that we shouldn’t be paying attention"

--- The Guardian more realistic than CNN? Quite a surprise.

"The last six months have revealed more about China under President Xi Jinping than the previous six years"

--- Well, no. At least since 2014 it has become increasingly clear that emperor Xi strives to emulate Mao.

‘Hong Kong people made history again’: Over 600,000 vote in democrats’ primaries as co-organiser hails ‘miracle’ turnout

"he was arrested for suspected possession of a dangerous drug. Ho said his medication was discovered during a police stop-and-search and he did not have his prescription on him"

--- So, when you go to HK & need medication, you know that you should have your prescription always with you.

Hong Kong: Opposition primaries draw thousands despite security law fears

"The voters turned out despite one senior Chinese official suggesting last week that participation in the primary could breach the new security law."

--- Democratic ideas are clearly a danger to commie security.

Hong Kong pollster raided by police amid security law crackdown

"The police received a report from the public that the computer system of a polling organisation was suspected of being hacked and some personal information of the public was leaked"

--- So you raid the office of the victim of the crime? Truly justice with Chinese characteristics.

--- More HK-related news:

Hong Kong security law: Why we are taking our BNOs and leaving

Minister says Hong Kong citizens in Australia could be sent back if they fail visa tests

You could end up in jail, US warns its citizens in China

Wuhan: City of silence

"One woman we arrange to interview arrives with plain-clothes policemen in pursuit. When she scrambles into our car, they block our way."

--- Surely, they just want to make sure that you are really foreign journalists & not evil spies.

"They are still silencing medics in Wuhan. Outside one hospital, we speak to a nurse who tells us about her experience on the front lines [...] Two plain-clothes policemen, who have been watching us, emerge from the side of the street. [...]
I can see them speaking sternly to her, but by the time I catch up with them, they’ve let her go. She calls a few minutes later and asks us to delete the interview"

--- Surely, the cops simply told her not to lie to the foreign press & because she lied, she wanted the interview deleted.

"that 2016 paper makes it clear that the virus appears to be a new strain of Sars-type coronavirus.
[...] it would be odd if the WIV, given its interest in such viruses, hadn’t continued to work on it. But there is no more mention of it at all until this year, when RaBatCov/4991 re-emerged under its new name RaTG13 as the closest known relative of Sars-CoV-2"

--- Surely, that's just a sign that they made sure that this virus would never break free.

This activist says she is being tracked and harassed in Australia by Chinese police

"The activist, who is in her 20s and also goes by the name Dong Wuyuan, runs a Twitter account which mocks Chinese President Xi Jinping"

--- Blasphemy! Of course, she must be punished severely. No one who insults demigod emperor Xi should be safe anywhere in the world.

"The officer later says: “I’m telling you the truth, although you are [in Australia], you are still governed by the law of China, do you understand?”"

--- Because Chinese law rules everywhere. All hail emperor Xi!

The Taiwanese Island Fortress That Could Halt A Chinese Invasion

"If China failed to suppress or capture Penghu, the main invasion force “might be obliged to abort the operation, making an assault on Taiwan one of history’s nonevents—like Hitler’s invasion of England,”"

--- But only if the PLA decides to attack in the south-west of Taiwan.

--- More news:

A new world war over technology

Xu Zhangrun: Outspoken professor freed after six days

Is too much trade at stake for Britain to stand up to Beijing?

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "6 Insane New Powers for Hong Kong Police"

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--- WION: "Hong kong holds primary polls despite security law warning"

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--- 60 Minutes (AUS): "R.I.P Hong Kong: draconian new security law threatens freedoms"

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--- Sky News (AUS): "China is ‘intent’ on teaching Australia a lesson"

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Deutsche Nachrichten:

Berlin übermittelt Chinas Botschafter Sorge über Sicherheitsgesetz

"Dort hat ihm Staatssekretär Miguel Berger nochmals die Position der Bundesregierung erläutert""

--- Immer schön freundlich, höflich & unterwürfig, wie anzunehmen ist. Bloß nicht fies werden: Göring-Eckardt: Merkel muss China „öffentlich und scharf kritisieren“

Hunderttausende nehmen an Vorwahl teil

"Trotz der Drohung mit dem nationalen Sicherheitsgesetz sind immer noch fast 600.000 Menschen wählen gegangen"

--- Wohl eher über 600.000. Wieder ein Dämpfer für die Kommis.

"Am Freitag durchsuchte die Polizei das Büro eines Meinungsforschungsinstituts, das die inoffiziellen Vorwahlen mitorganisierte. Das Computersystem sei womöglich gehackt worden und habe ein Datenleck verursacht, teilte die Polizei mit"

--- Da muß man natürlich gegen das Opfer des Verbrechens vorgehen.
Video zum Thema HK: Warum der Westen China jetzt Einhalt gebieten sollte

USA warnen Bürger vor Chinas Behörden

"Das Risiko, festgenommen oder ausgewiesen zu werden, sei gestiegen, schrieb das US-Außenministerium in einer Warnung - zugleich hieß es, es sei mit Ausreiseverboten zu rechnen"

--- Risiko dürfte im Augenblick eher gering sein, da eh keiner einreisen darf.
Vgl.: Washington warnt Amerikaner vor „willkürlichen Inhaftierungen“

Wie China auf LinkedIn ausländische Spione anwirbt

"Vermeintliche Wissenschaftler, Jobvermittler und Headhunter knüpfen Kontakte mit Personen, die über ein aussagekräftiges Personenprofil verfügen. Sie werden mit verlockenden Angeboten geködert und schließlich nach China eingeladen; dort erfolgt die nachrichtendienstliche Anbahnung."

--- Habe auch schon seltsame Kontaktangebote bekommen, obwohl ich kein sehr aussagekräftiges LinkedIn-Profil habe.
Vgl.: Spionage: Verfassungsschutz warnt vor Chinas Sozialkreditsystem

--- Weitere Nachrichten:

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