China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-10

English news:

'This is intolerable': fearful Australians in Hong Kong hasten plans to leave city

"Several Australians in the Hong Kong business community declined to talk to the Guardian, fearing that their opinions on the law will jeopardise their prospects in the city"

--- Impossible. Carrie Lam told us that only very few people would be affected by the new law. & she surely wouldn't lie. Would she?

Australia's Hong Kong intervention was hardly strident but that didn't matter to China

"It is well known that Australian ministers have lately struggled to arrange calls with their Chinese counterparts to talk through issues"

--- If you are not nice enough to us, we don't talk to you. Diplomacy with Chinese kiddie characteristics.

TikTok halts Hong Kong access after security law

"As we consider the best path forward, ByteDance is evaluating changes to the corporate structure of its TikTok business"

--- Won't change much. As long as ByteDance owns TikTok, the CCP will have access.

TikTok: Amazon tells employees to remove app from phones

"the TikTok app is no longer permitted on mobile devices that access Amazon email"

--- But why? TikTok is just an innocent fun video app. There is absolutely no reason not to install it.

Why email loses out to popular apps in China

"In China, however, mobile apps often take precedence and it is possible to do all your online transactions once you are logged into an app with multiple functionality such as WeChat or Alipay"

--- & they are wonderful tools of control for the CCP.

"the demand for [an] immediate response is motivated by the cultural and business environment in China"

--- Well, the demand for an immediate response also exists in the West when using such messenger apps. One main reason why I don't like to use them. I prefer to choose the time for a response. (That's also why my phone is turned off much of the time.)

'Cute but cruel': the crime drama hailed a Chinese TV milestone

"It also signals the expansion of the medium, dominated by dynasty dramas and romantic comedies"

--- Unbearable to watch, just like the similarly ubiquitous anti-Japanese war movies.

"Fans say they are drawn in by the realism of the show in its depiction of broken family ties and neglect [...] and children left behind by the system"

--- Well, this kind of TV show might get too popular very quickly & then will be banned (or defused). Because where the CCP rules under the benevolent guidance of emperor Xi, there can be no crime & no children left behind. Everything is full of harmony under Xi's sun.

Chinese stocks are on an incredible run. But going too high, too fast is risky

"Chinese state media called on local investors to pour money into markets, assuring them that the economy is recovering"

--- Nothing better for the economy than a state-induced bull run, right?

"Virtually all investors in mainland stock markets are individual traders"

--- Dubious. State-owned funds & finance companies hold a great number of shares. Which CNN even mentions in the article:

"State media reports attributed the retreat to news that the country's social security reserve fund would unload hundreds of millions of shares"

--- "Virtually all ..." Yeah, right.
cf.: China state funds to cut stakes in PICC, some tech firms amid stock bull run

Kazakhstan denies Chinese government report that country has 'unknown pneumonia' outbreak more deadly than Covid-19

"the "unspecified" pneumonia classification followed World Health Organization guidelines "for the registration of pneumonia when the coronavirus infection is diagnosed clinically or epidemiologically but is not confirmed by laboratory testing.""

--- So, pretty much what China was doing with a lot of its Wuhan virus dead. Pretty obvious attempt to raise the alarm about the situation abroad to distract from the origin of the virus.

Chinese virologist accuses Beijing of coronavirus cover-up, flees Hong Kong: 'I know how they treat whistleblowers'

"She added that if she tried to tell her story in China, she "will be disappeared and killed.""

--- Dubious. Oh, she would be disappeared for sure. But it's quite unlikely that the CCP would kill her right away.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "China Is “Greatest Threat” to America, Says FBI"

--- Sky News (AUS): "Pursuing 'super talent from Hong Kong is in Australia's sovereign interests'"

--- SCMP: "Massive floods hit communities along China’s Yangtze River, where more rain is in the forecast"

--- "Deaths? Which deaths?" Quite typical Chinese reporting on such a situation. "Yeah, there is a situation, but nothing to worry. Everything is under control."

Not in the news (yet):

Caixin finds the driver behind the wheel of a bus in Guizhou which seemingly intentionally veered off a bridge into a reservoir had his home forcefully demolished the morning of his death.

Deutsche Nachrichten:

EU: China muss Bürgerrechtsanwälte freilassen

"Die Europäische Union erwartet von China, dass es die uneingeschränkte Einhaltung der Rechtsstaatlichkeit gewährleistet, Garantien für ein faires Verfahren festlegt und alle gemeldeten Fälle von willkürlicher Inhaftierung, Misshandlung und Folter von Menschenrechtsverteidigern und deren Familien gründlich untersucht."

--- Wie schön. & was passiert, wenn die Erwartungen nicht erfüllt werden? Gibt es Konsequenzen?

Handel ohne Wandel

"während Merkel den Konflikt tatsächlich um beinahe jeden Preis unter der Decke halten will, sieht Außenminister Heiko Maas (SPD) die chinesische Politik kritischer"

--- Von wegen...

"Maas traf im vergangenen September auch den Hongkonger Aktivisten Joshua Wong in Berlin"

--- Ja, & inzwischen hat er sich davon auch schon wieder distanziert & Wong fälschlicherweise als Separatisten dargestellt.

Wie Deutschland jetzt mit China umgehen muss

"Die Grundvoraussetzung aber ist die Bereitschaft, über Chinas Vergehen überhaupt offen zu sprechen. Daran mangelt es bisher"

--- Tja...

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