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China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-07-03

English news:

Hong Kong activists planning 'parliament in exile' after China brings in security law

"while the idea was still at an early stage, a parliament-in-exile would support the people of Hong Kong and the pro-democracy movement there"

--- Don't think, it will help much. Hasn't done much for Tibet before. Maybe it helps to organise HK democrats abroad, but else the effects will be very limited.

Hong Kong journalists and lawyers scramble to adapt to security law

"Having vague red lines which journalists have to somehow navigate will just cause self-censorship"

--- As intended.

"The situation will sooner or later be like the mainland, so we will become like mainland defence lawyers who have to worry about ourselves being arrested just for defending our clients"

--- Just kowtow to emperor Xi & everything will be fine.
cf.: How the national security law is bringing China's authoritarian legal system to Hong Kong
see also: Zheng Yanxiong: China appoints hard-line Hong Kong security chief

Hong Kong activist Nathan Law: 'I don't know when I'll go back'

"While the situation has been deteriorating in Hong Kong for the past year with regard to freedom of speech, no one could foresee that kind of acceleration"

--- Well, at some points I feared much worse, actually. I wouldn't have been surprised if the PLA had interfered.

"[The law] was particularly targeted for crushing the international [effort], with provisions allowing anyone having international connections to be accused of colluding with foreign forces."

--- It even targets foreigners who advocate pro-HK freedom abroad. So, yes, the international efforts are clearly a target.

Canada suspends extradition with Hong Kong to protest China security law

"Canada is also halting exports of sensitive military gear to Hong Kong and updating its travel advisory so Canadians traveling there will know how the law might affect them"

--- Strange that suddenly Canada is at the forefront. Until the Meng affair, it was very much in the China appeasement camp.

Hong Kong: US passes sanctions as nations condemn new law

"Before the bill was signed, the US had already begun eliminating Hong Kong's special status - halting defence exports and restricting the territory's access to high-technology products."

--- Logical consequence.

'Our pastures have been taken': Indians rue China's Himalayan land grab

"substantial Chinese military structures, including a radar tower, that have been built close to a ridge known as Finger Four in just the last few weeks, despite agreements to disengage"

--- Well, you know how it is with agreements when the CCP is involved: they are worth nothing.

"As residents we have seen over years how China have been pushing the line, metre by metre. It’s been the cause of huge economic losses. Thousands of local goat herders have lost their pastures"

--- So much for Modi's words. You shouldn't vote populists into power.
cf.: India not to import power equipment from China: RK Singh

China's stock market closes at highest level in five years

"Despite the pickup in activity, Chinese companies continued to shed jobs, with employment contracting for a fifth month in June"

--- Chinese stocks are gambling papers, even worse so than in any other country.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored: "Did China Just Kill Hong Kong?"

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--- Sky News (AUS): "World Health Organisation now 'seems to be backtracking on China's honesty'"

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--- PBS Newshour: "With Hong Kong crackdown, Xi Jinping signals he'll pay a high price for power"

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--- WION: "Gravitas: China claims ownership of a Russian city"

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Not in the news (yet):

'Asia's finest' & the press again

'Asia's finest' & a taxi driver

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Merkel und von der Leyen setzen weiter auf Dialog mit China

"Die Beziehungen zu China sind wichtig, sie sind von strategischer Bedeutung"

--- Was für eine Strategie? Zum chinesischen Vasallenstaat zu werden?

Erste Beschuldigungen unter neuem Gesetz

"Am Donnerstag erklärte die Regierung Hongkongs außerdem den populären Slogan eines Protestsongs "Befreit Hongkong, Revolution unserer Zeit" für illegal"

--- Wie erwartet: Alles, was der KPCh missfällt, wird zur Bedrohung der nationalen Sicherheit erklärt.

Aktivist Law flieht aus Hongkong

"An die Wirksamkeit von wirtschaftlichem Druck gegen China glaubt im Hongkong-Streit auch die EU-Kommission"

--- Welcher wirtschaftliche Druck denn? Man weigert sich doch, irgendwelche Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.

Was China will

"Xis Rhetorik, so Kerry, ziele darauf, die Wiederbelebung Chinas als eines großen, wichtigen Landes plausibel zu machen: Wir wollen wieder wer sein. Mehr nicht."

--- Sowas glauben auch nur Idioten. Siehe Südchinesisches Meer, Taiwan, Senkakus, Indien.

"bleibt der wirtschaftliche Austausch: Da wird Tacheles geredet, und es dient der Verständigung"

--- Voll auf Merkel-Linie.

Deutschland sollte sich den mutigen Briten anschließen

"bei Hongkong auf europäische Einigkeit zu verweisen, ist nicht mehr als ein Feigenblatt für Mutlosigkeit"

--- Aber immerhin haben wir mal drüber geredet.

Es braucht Stäbchen, Respekt und viel Geduld

"China ist, gemessen am Umsatz, seit langem Deutschlands wichtigster Handelspartner."

--- Falsch. Ist die EU.

"Dass in Asien niemand mit dem Finger auf andere zeigt"

--- China ist Asien? Außerdem ist das selbst in China sehr situationsabhängig.

"chinesische Mitarbeiter nur indirekt und unter vier Augen, auf keinen Fall aber öffentlich zu kritisieren"

--- Die Regel scheint bei chinesischen Chefs eher unbekannt zu sein. Mitarbeiter zu erniedrigen ist da Alltagssport.

"Meine grauen Haare haben zusätzlich geholfen"

--- Puh. Das muß dann wohl der Grund sein, warum sich soviele ältere Chinesen die Haare schwarz färben.

--- Sonstiges:

China wirft Indien Diskriminierung von Firmen vor

US-Zoll beschlagnahmt menschliche Haarprodukte aus Zwangsarbeit