China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-25

English news:

China coronavirus spread is accelerating, Xi Jinping warns

"The coronavirus has killed at least 41 people and infected some 1,400"

--- Those are the numbers from Saturday, & only the official numbers. By now the number of infected is probably over 10,000.

"A second emergency hospital is to be built there within weeks to handle 1,300 new patients"

--- & again, it has to be said that this won't be hardly enough if scientists' estimates of 250,000 cases in Wuhan alone by 04 February are correct.

"From midnight tonight private cars are not allowed on the road. And taxis aren't running."

--- Oh yeah! That will do a lot of good. How are people supposed to get to the hospitals? Oh wait, now I understand. They don't need more beds in hospitals because they don't want more patients there. Everyone is supposed to stay at home & in 2 months or so, when the epidemic is over, survivors are allowed out & the dead bodies will be collected.

"China is also suspending from Monday all foreign trips by Chinese holiday tour groups"

--- Now that's a surprise. China considers the well-being of other countries?
Nah, it's just to keep up the image of a government taking the threat seriously. After all, it's just holiday tour groups & it's too late, anyway.

Coronavirus: How can China build a hospital so quickly?

"In terms of medical supplies, Wuhan can either take supplies from other hospitals or can easily order them from factories."

--- Good one. The problem is that supplies seem to run low all over China. Face masks are virtually sold out everywhere.

Coronavirus spread accelerating in China, says Xi Jinping

"Residents who left the city before transport blocks were introduced had faced hostility elsewhere in China"

--- Somewhat understandable, but usually the ones being hostile are exactly those who would have acted the same if they had been in a similar situation.

France prepares evacuation of its citizens from coronavirus-hit Wuhan, China

"the plan was to take French citizens trapped in Wuhan to another Chinese city, where they would undergo a 14-day quarantine before being allowed to move on"

--- & how do you make sure they are not infected when moving on?

Mainland Chinese Beat Travel Ban to Fly to Tibet

"including many from Wuhan who left the city just ahead of a travel ban"

--- & this way probably spreading the disease to Tibet.

Unprecedented Chinese quarantine could backfire, experts say

"Quarantine . . . is not effective in controlling multiple influenza outbreaks because the disease spreads too rapidly to identify and to control chains of transmission"

--- Yep. & if you tell people in advance that you will quarantine a whole city, many will try to get out just in time.

Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program

"The deadly animal virus epidemic spreading globally may have originated in a Wuhan laboratory linked to China’s covert biological weapons program, according to an Israeli biological warfare expert"

--- Probably groundless. You don't need such a laboratory if you have people handling virus-carrying animals at wet markets on a daily basis. Furthermore, if that virus is a biological weapon, it's pretty useless, essentially just as dangerous as a normal flu.

Behind the Great Firewall

"The man that DOES NOT censor himself in China doesn’t stay in China long."

--- Only goes for vloggers, I suppose. I never really censored my online posts when I was living there (but - then again - I never used my legal name when online).

Chinese tariff rate quota policy severely impacted US wheat exports

"China's 2017 grain imports could have been $1.4 billion or 40% higher. Wheat imports from the U.S. could have been $324 million or 83% higher without the restrictive policies"

--- Free market with Chinese characteristics.

China is a massive headache for Europe

"does it inch toward China, a nation that represents the antithesis of Western democracy and could pose a real security risk?"

--- Democracy? Security? There is so much money to be made. Isn't money more important?

Why China’s LGBT hide their identities at Lunar New Year

"They are being asked by family members about when they are getting married."

--- Because being married means there will be a family heir soon. Or better: someone who will provide for you in your old age.

Video News:

--- DW News: "China coronavirus spreads to Europe and Australia"

--- CNBC: "Why The U.S. And China Fight Over IP"

Not in the news (yet):

Mahjong with Wuhan virus characteristics

HK cops just can't stand people having a good time

--- Tear gassing a whole street of people celebrating new year because someone threw a water bottle. Which doesn't impress some food vendors much.

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Neujahrsfest im Zeichen des Virus

"In der TV-Gala gab es Gesundgheitstipps und demonstratives Lob für die Regierung."

--- Diese Gala wird in China so ziemlich in jeder Familie geguckt. Von daher sind Gesundheitstips vermutlich nicht schlecht. Andererseits ist die prokommunistische manchmal etwas seltsam. So wurde in einem Gedicht Kaiser Xi hochgejubelt, & darin hieß er "infiziere" die Menschen (womit weiß ich nicht mehr, vielleicht Vertrauen).

"In Hubeis Hauptstadt Wuhan sollen die Menschen nach einem Bericht staatlicher Medien auch nicht mehr mit dem Auto ins Zentrum fahren."

--- Was enorm gut für Leute ist, die zum Krankenhaus wollen. Kein ÖPNV, keine Autos, keine Taxis...

Bürger fordern Reiseverbot

"dass nun auch die 24 Millionen Menschen zählende Wirtschaftsmetropole Schanghai polizeilich abgesperrt werden möge – damit keine Infizierten von außerhalb mehr hereinkommen können"

--- Zu blöd, daß es dort schon diverse Fälle gibt.

"Schon fürchten Ökonomen, dass die Wirtschaft weit mehr Schaden nehmen könnte als in der Sars-Krise vor 17 Jahren"

--- Ja, das ist natürlich jetzt die größte Sorge.

Coronavirus breitet sich weiter aus

"Das chinesische Staatsfernsehen berichtete über mittlerweile 41 Todesopfer und knapp 1300 Infizierte in der Volksrepublik"

--- Die Zahl der Infizierten kann man getrost verzehnfachen. In Wuhans Krankenhäusern herrscht Chaos.

Die Grenzen der Zensur

"so versucht die Propaganda, sich mit einer Masse an guten Nachrichten gegen die Welle der Videos zu stemmen, die aus Wuhan das Internet überschwemmen"

--- Kaiser Xi hat alles unter Kontrolle, die Behörden arbeiten mit Wahnsinnseffizienz & überhaupt... guckt mal, so ein schöner Berg!

Kliniken sollen sich auf Virus einstellen

"Fiebermessungen von China-Reisenden auf deutschen Flughäfen seien derzeit zwar noch nicht sinnvoll."

--- Nicht nur derzeit, sondern grundsätzlich. Sowas bringt nicht viel. Man muß vermutlich kein Fieber haben, um andere anstecken zu können.
Mehr von Verdacht auf Coronavirus - und dann?

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