China news roundup / Nachrichten 2020-01-22

English news:

Coronavirus: Wuhan to shut public transport over outbreak

"The airport and train stations will be closed to outgoing passengers."

--- But you can still get in? What could go wrong? What about the buses, trains & aircraft? Leaving empty or staying in Wuhan? Could get funny.
What about the foreign tourists there, I wonder. Stuck there, too. & when their visa runs out?

"the director-general of the World Health Organization, said it was a "very strong measure" that would "not only control the outbreak, they will minimise spread internationally""

--- Hrmph. The WHO seems to be under the Chinese thumb recently (see also treatment of Taiwan). It may be a "strong measure", but it's too late to stop the spread. Many migrant workers have already left for home this week. &, anyway, there have been hundreds of thousands of people who moved in & out of the city in the weeks since the virus first appeared.
It seems as if the PRC regime is now in panic mode.

Coronavirus: China to bar 11m residents from leaving city at centre of outbreak

"the mysterious Sars-like coronavirus, which has so far killed 17 people"

--- Yesterday it was 9. Pretty sudden surge in deaths, it seems.
Either they have finally really started to check or the situation is actually much worse than even I thought (& I'm a pessimist when it comes to commie openness.)
Anyway, it seems to spread like flu, so we can expect similar spread & prevalence: Coronavirus: China advises against travel to Wuhan as deaths surge

"Wild animals and poultry are no longer allowed in the city, he said."

--- Panic mode, as I said. Now that the virus obviously jumps quite easily from human to human, that is much too late. Not to mention that they still don't know where the virus actually came from.

China Silences Critics Over Deadly Virus Outbreak

"when a group of Hong Kong journalists went to the Wuhan hospital that took in most coronavirus patients, the police detained them for a few hours"

--- & that's how far openness goes in China. Emperor Xi knows best & he's the only one allowed to know.

Life inside ground zero of Wuhan coronavirus outbreak

"On a high speed train from Beijing to Wuhan, railway attendants and security guards left their faces uncovered. A train attendant told CNN they were asked by management not to wear masks, as it may trigger a panic among passengers."

--- Ah, yes, that's how you build trust in the public. Commies just know how to handle emergencies.

Sweden summons Chinese ambassador over criticism of country and media

"We have repeatedly, from the foreign ministry and myself too, explained to the ambassador that freedom of speech is protected by the constitution and that journalists have the right to perform their work completely freely"

--- Freedom of speech means you are allowed to praise China. Why don't the Swedes understand?

--- Anyway, that's it for today. The nCoV has drowned out pretty much everything else, it seems. Not only the CCP is in panic mode.

Video News:

--- DW News: "China's Wuhan coronavirus: What we know so far"

--- China Uncensored: "Is China Covering Up a Deadly New Virus?"

--- SCMP: "Protect yourself from the China coronavirus: How to wash your hands and wear masks properly"

Not in the news (yet):

Some hospitals in China seem to prepare for the worst

HK hotels don't seem too concerned about new virus

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Wuhan schließt Flughafen und Bahnhöfe

"Chinesischen Medien zufolge werden ab Donnerstagmorgen wichtige Verkehrsverbindungen von und nach Wuhan gekappt."

--- Blinder Aktionismus. Offenbar gerät das VRC-Regime in Panik. Da das Virus anscheinend wie die Grippe übertragen wird, ist es für solche Maßnahmen längst zu spät.

"Eine Erkrankung wie diese sei damit schnell unter Kontrolle zu kriegen, erklärte Spahn."

--- Sieht man an den alljährlichen Grippeepidemien. Wichtig ist v.a. Aufklärung & Vorsorge. Mehr läßt sich da eh kaum machen.
Was Reisende zum Coronavirus wissen müssen

Das Virus kann zur Gefahr für Chinas Führung werden

"Damit der Präsident unbeschädigt bleibt, werden weiter unten Köpfe rollen müssen"

--- Kein Problem. Wuhan wird unter direkte Aufsicht der Zentralregierung gestellt. Ein paar lokale KPCh-Funktionäre, die nicht Xis Fraktion angehören, werden an die Wand gestellt ... äh ... nach Recht & Gesetz verurteilt & entsprechend der Schwere ihrer Schuld bestraft.

"Eine Virus-Epidemie kann in einen Massenaufruhr umschlagen, bei dem die Bürger Schuldige suchen. Deswegen werden Schuldige schnell präsentiert werden."

--- Mal abwarten, was kommt.

Neue Lungenkrankheit auch in den USA festgestellt

"Die Nachricht führte zu sinkenden Aktienkursen an der New Yorker Wall Street."

--- Ja, ja, die Aktienkurse. Weiß nicht, warum die in letzter Zeit in sovielen Artikeln zu diversen Themen Erwähnung finden. Die Kurse hüpfen doch bei jeder Kleinigkeit, sei es ein Stolperer des Trumpels oder ein Niesen des Kaisers Xi.

Deutsche Videos:

--- Tagesschau: "WHO-Krisentreffen wegen Coronavirus aus China"

China: Neues Corona-Virus breitet sich aus | Weltbilder | NDR

WELT HINTERGRUND: Das muss man jetzt über den CHINA-VIRUS wissen

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