China news roundup / Nachrichten 2019-12-08

English news:

Hong Kong: mammoth rally marks six months of pro-democracy protests

"Some protesters spray-painted anti-China graffiti on a Bank of China building while others attacked a pro-Beijing bank. A Starbucks cafe, run by a franchise company seen as pro-China, was also vandalised"

--- & that was it pretty much. The cops stayed surprisingly reluctant for most of the day, so there were no major violent outbreaks. Although after the march ended, some arseholy cops were obviously bored & harassed the public (see in "Not in the news").

In Pictures: 800,000 Hongkongers attend pro-democracy march, say organisers

"At around 10pm, police started to clear the makeshift barricades on Des Voeux Road Central, which had already been abandoned as protesters dispersed"

--- (Includes videos.) Another example how there is no violence if the police doesn't initiate it. Protesters set up a road block & after an hour or so they abandon it. Road block can then be cleared with zero violence & minimal disruption.
More pictures: HKFP Lens: Six months on, Hongkongers pack the streets again in peaceful mass pro-democracy demo

The November 12 clashes at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: An eyewitness view

"I am grateful Hong Kong is (still relatively) free. I will fight to make sure Hong Kong stays free, becomes more free. I also believe there is much we can learn from Hong Kong, that Hong Kong plays a critical part in the larger struggle for freedom globally. That is why I am in Hong Kong. That is why I want to stay here."

--- Not news, but if you haven't yet seen the original on Twitter (or Facebook, which I don't use), an interesting read.

When China came calling: inside the Solomon Islands switch

"representatives from the Chinese and Taiwanese governments [...] offered hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for their support"

--- What an ugly Western lie! Chinese are totally opposed to corruption. That's why there is virtually no corruption in China. The Solomon Islands switched recognition because of the shining, benevolent charisma of emperor Xi.

In response to Trump, China gets mean

"The new Chinese effort appears to rely heavily on an old tactic [...] called “whataboutism”: pointing out another nation’s problems as a way to deflect from one’s own."

--- Very popular among PRC apologists, too. Quite funny, if you as a European get blamed for alleged failings of the US government.

Video News:

--- SCMP: "Hundreds of thousands joined Hong Kong’s first march approved by police since August"

--- Al Jazeera: "Hong Kong Protests | Start Here"

--- Not news. Just a little explainer.

Not in the news (yet):

After dark, some HK cops had enough of so much peace

--- Some really want people to attack them.
It's also a bit annoying when protesters react to your provocation not by throwing stones, but by showing you the letter of no objection for the protest.

Did the new HK police chief change something?

--- Seems like it: "The HKSAR Government does not tolerate any breach of law or offence against discipline by police officers"
Or maybe it was the US HKHRDA.

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Hunderttausende geben nicht auf

"Dass nun - sechs Monate nach Beginn der Demonstrationen - wieder Hunderttausende auf die Straßen gingen, [...] dürfte Lam wie auch der chinesischen Führung deutlich machen: so schnell gibt die Protestbewegung nicht auf."

--- Immerhin scheint die Polente unter dem neuen Polizeichef nicht mehr auf Eskalation zu setzen. Da er letzte Woche in Peking war, darf man wohl davon ausgehen, daß das mit den Kommis abgesprochen ist. Mal sehen, wie sich das weiter entwickelt.

Menschenrechtsanwalt in China festgenommen

"Demnach wird Qin "Anstiftung zur Zerstörung der Staatsgewalt" vorgeworfen"

--- Ist es ja auch. Den Leuten die Wahrheit über Menschenrechtsverstöße chinesischer Kommis zu sagen, unterhöhlt deren Machtanspruch. Ungeheuerliches Verbrechen!

China ante portas: Wie chinesische Händler dominieren

"Ist ein Produkt nach einem aufwendigen Verfahren erfolgreich gelöscht, listen die chinesischen Händler meist in wenigen Wochen ein vergleichbares Produkt - und das Spiel beginnt von vorn"

--- Tja, die europäische Bürokratie muß sich an die auf langen Erfahrungen aufbauende chinesische Schummelei erst noch gewöhnen.

VW pflegt die Beziehungen zu seinen bewaffneten Nachbarn

"VW erklärt, dass es kein militärisches Training durch die Bewaffnete Volkspolizei gebe oder gegeben habe, den Text der Vereinbarung mit der Bewaffneten Volkspolizei will das Unternehmen allerdings nicht übersenden"

--- Wir wissen von nix. Vereinbarung? Welche Vereinbarung?
Die drei Affen lassen grüßen.

Deutsche Videos:

--- Tagesschau: "Hunderttausende protestieren in Hongkong"

--- Weltspiegel: Was, wenn sich China Taiwan einverleibt?

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