China news roundup / Nachrichten 2019-09-11

English news:

Hong Kong protests halted out of respect for 9/11 anniversary, as state media predicts ‘terror attack’

"Anti-government fanatics are planning massive terror attacks, including blowing up gas pipes, in Hong Kong on September 11.
The 9/11 terror plot also encourages indiscriminate attacks on non-native speakers of Catonese, and starting mountain fires."

--- That's the China Daily writing it, so it must be true. After all, that's a quality paper with direct line to the CCP. So, since there are no reports of any terrorist attacks in HK, we can assume that there is a massive worldwide conspiracy at work, which hides that information.

China detains man who reportedly shared images of troops at Hong Kong border

"China has detained a Taiwanese man on state security charges after he reportedly distributed photos of Chinese troops massing equipment on the Hong Kong border."

--- It's not as if China would ever allow such sensitive information to be spread. Oh wait... They did it themselves. Hmm... Ah, I got it: This information is so sensitive that nobody beside Chinese propaganda departments should be allowed to spread it.

'We can't do anything': China accused of muffling voices of Hong Kong supporters

"The police threatened Chen with imprisonment and suggested his son could be badly affected."

--- He posted a selfie with a hand covering one eye! Of course that needs to be punished! It's terrorism, that's what it is. He's attacking the Chinese people & should be shot on sight! Lucky him that emperor Xi is so benevolent to only have him threatened with imprisonment & consequences for his family.

Yujing Zhang: Woman who sparked alarm at Mar-a-Lago found guilty

"Zhang had told security at Mar-a-Lago that she was there to go to the pool
[...] Prosecutors said among the electronics Zhang possessed were numerous USB drives and a device that could detect secret cameras."

--- She's clearly innocent. In China, it's completely normal to go swimming with electronics, just to prove that you can afford only the best stuff which is completely waterproof.

New Zealand opposition leader criticised for 'alarming' stance on China

"“The last 70 years in China has seen the most remarkable economic transformation in history, it has taken more people out of poverty than ever before.”"

--- Yep. & we shouldn't forget all those dozens of millions Mao saved from poverty by starving them to death. 70 years of great achievements.

Hong Kong’s MTR releases CCTV screenshots to calm rumours of police raid fatalities, but full footage under wraps

"None of the screenshots depicted the police use of force"

--- Which clearly proves that the police did absolutely nothing that day. & these:

"All seven of the people sent to the hospital had been conscious, and three were later classified as being in a serious condition"

--- ... were just people who tripped over themselves.

Hong Kong protesters sing and boo China anthem

"Hong Kong's protest movement made its presence felt in a sports stadium and shopping malls on Tuesday."

--- Turning the back on China's anthem must have really hurt the feelings of all Chinese...

China scraps some US tariffs ahead of trade talks

"China has released a list of 16 US imports that will be exempted from tariffs
But with more than 5,000 products on it, the list of goods that are still subject to extra taxes is much longer."

--- Can you call that a good-will gesture? Perhaps they just noticed that they actually need these 16 products.

Video News:

--- China Uncensored features China's Paris copy:

--- Fox Business talks about the tariff exemptions:

--- & Sky News Australia focuses on "Gladys Liu’s alleged links to communist China ‘of grave concern’"

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Deutscher Botschafter wegen Wong einbestellt

"Der „Zwischenfall“ [...] werde negative Konsequenzen für die bilateralen Beziehungen haben. Chinas Regierung habe mehrfach gedrängt, Wong keine Einreise zu erlauben."

--- Ungeheuerlich, daß die deutsche Regierung so einem fiesen Terroristen die Einreise gewährt. Noch ungeheuerlicher, daß sie es tut, obwohl die VRC ein Einreiseverbot forderte.
Wo kommen wir denn da hin, wenn die deutsche Regierung chinesischen Forderungen nicht nachkommt. Man könnte ja fast meinen, Deutschland sei unabhängig.

Die Kinder müssen bis zum Mond fliegen, mindestens

"Von einer falschen Vorstellung sollte man sich gleich verabschieden: dass das chinesische Schulsystem der Hauptgrund für die hervorragenden Leistungen vieler Schüler sein könnte."

--- Ich wünsche keinem Kind, diesem System unterworfen zu werden. Propaganda, Auswendiglernen & Wiederholung, mehr ist da nicht.

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