RE: Child Safety Series: An Introduction (Kidnapping, Pedophilia, and Sex Trafficking)

Yeah interesting story, I remember those days when I went to roam around out in the woods myself, and it's interesting you were talking about a leopard, and I firmly remember in Arkansas when we lived Out in the Country, out in the woods we would hear what was referred to as a black panther and that Panther would scream like a woman in distress, it was very odd. The story that you brought up made me remember that, and i'll never forget it I remember seeing the leopard one time just crossing the the field and in the dark, but anyway it was very interesting and yeah. I completely agree with this it seems like those days are gone where your kids can just kind of roam around I mean sure they can roam around in the neighborhood a little bit but for the most part you're not going to leave your child unattended and not know where they are, not like the good old days so to speak. But thank you for your story I really thought it was quite interesting and yes we need to be careful these days thanks for the reference also to the site. @finnian

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