The kid, and how she made my heart melt

I rarely have my heart melt. But this one actually did.

My niece Savie was beside herself when her mom, my twin sister Vany gave her a bunch of Sharpies to play with.

Almost immediately, she took her drawing pad and started doodling excitedly. She was looking at me and her mom while we were talking. I didn’t mind what she was doing until she exclaimed “Tita! Look at my drawing!” (Tita means “auntie” in Filipino)

I said “wow, that’s nice! Is that your mommy?”

She shook her head.

“No? So who was it?”


“Is it me?”

She nodded, smiling.

And there I felt it. My heart melting like cheese under the sun.

I almost teared up when she wrote “I love you”.

So here is my beautiful niece Savie, and her masterpiece.

Presenting her first portrait of her Tita Jasmin.

❤️ *sigh.

Mush moment.

When was the last time you had your heart mushed by a kid? Let me know in the comments below.

Have a nice day, Steemians!!

It looks like me, doesn’t it? 😁

Here’s Savie holding her drawing

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