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A good schedule for child reward and punishment is also one of the alternative means of beating and screaming and a successful means of reward and punishment

Divide the board or sheet into squares and the number from 1-100 for example. And set the starting point of number 1
Tell your child that when he does good things he will advance to the forward points and if he does something wrong he will back down and set points on any basis
For example:


  • If he put his clothes in the closet will progress 4 points
  • If the prayer will progress 10 degrees
  • If he finishes his duties he will progress 15 degrees
  • If he speaks gently with his brothers will progress 8 degrees
    If he sits more than his time in front of the screens will drop 10 points
  • If you get a high score in the monthly test will progress 30 points
    Tell the child some motivational things such as:
    If he reaches point 20 he will receive a reward from the gift box and if he reaches point number 50 he goes to a place he loves
    If he reaches the end point 100, he will go with you to the game store to buy a game at the agreed price together or whatever you see fit for your child
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