Andrew Tate, Chess and Life

Paul Morphy: The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.

Below, Tate expresses the concept above a little differently, but I like his version even better:

Not my video, just a link to youtube

Who's got the bigger brain Piers?

Oh how that fired back at him!

I like Tate. I don't necessarily like the character he is playing, but the success speaks for itself;
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

I like his wit, the underlying message he is spreading and his positive outlook.

The only dangerous thing about this man (besides challenging him to a fight) is how some people idolize him and follow every single word of his. But that is not his fault. That is an actually toxic pattern in our society today.

Whenever someone like him rises up and shows cracks in the Matrix, some people treat them like they are some sort of prophet. They take every single statement as advice, perceiving every move the new messiah makes as perfect.
That is just a sick attitude. It is impossible to always be right. To follow another man blindly like that, is just ridiculous. It's a sign of a weak mind.
Likewise, finding one single statement of a person and use it to discredit everything about them and 'cancel' them is about as stupid.

He could be rigtht about a lot and still say something wrong the next day.
That's normal; Get over it.

What's actually scary

What actually scares me about this whole thing is that he got canceled (apparently) on all social media at the same time.
This cooperation between the big corporations and the political elite is any faschists dream.
We are living in it right now.

I am glad seeing himself rehabilitating.
It gives me some hope, that they can not keep people down like this anymore.
It also gives me hope, how Piers changed over the years. The 'new Piers' is actually much more likeable and respectful.

What a match!

Without idolizing him: Tate did amazing in this game of chess.
Chess at a normal level (not with that sweaty, grindy, lamer attitude that has taken over the internet) is just a display of intelligence.
Being able to play it well, just shows how smart someone is. You can not train for that. Chess can teach you very quickly, where you stand in this context.

For some, this might be a hard pill to swallow, but intelligence can not really be improved upon.
It's something you are given at birth and you can only decrease it.
It's an expression of genes, similar to physical height, or color of skin.

Self Improvement

To perform well under pressure like Tate did above, can be trained for, though.
If you are thrown off balance easily, you may not be able to display your intellect.
Without mental strength, the smartest person could act like an idiot.

You can work on that by pushing yourself out of your comfort-zone.
Cancelling someone, because they made you feel uncomfortable, will work against you in that sense. If you refuse any challenge presented to you, you give yourself no chance to improve.

If I learned anything from the broader self-improvement community:
Get out of your comfort-zone!
Challenge yourself; Do something that makes you sweat!

Short term it can be very uncomfortable, in the long run it will make your life better.
In that context I also respect Piers.

What made him lose the match above were his emotions and the lack of control over them.
Tate got in his head and Piers choked.

Your own emotions are something you should not ignore, but you should be able to observe them, rather than having them guide or control you. Meditate!


I was just flowing, when writing this thing.
I guess there is no conclusion.
There may be some messages in it and maybe they resonates with someone.

Have a nice day.

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