Using ChatGPT as a Developer's Tool

I use ChatGPT for stuff every day and it's a great help. It's all about the mindset, You use what it says as a starting point that you build off of rather than treating it as a solved problem or mostly solved just from it's output. My problem is that I always ask ChatGPT for help with problems that I struggle to solve. But those are problems that only fit into the intermediate-expert domain. So ChatGPT always falls flat for me. It's good for some mindless things like generating TypeScript types from a JSON payload and stuff though.

Maybe half or less than half the time it gives me a decent thing that with a good amount of effort can be usable for me. But whenever I see the result I try getting it to adjust parts of it, it doesn't do so well, then I just go do it from scratch myself.
There are times where it gives me something that with a few minutes of work can be made usable, but those are rare for me. What I really like treating it as is a fancy rubber duck or dictionary/thesaurus. It's pretty okay to really good on those things. Maybe I need to be less of a perfectionist or something... I kinda wanna get on a call with people that use ChatGPT while I'm building something so they can point out the parts where it can help me.

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