Help us to do Evangeline bone marrow transplant


Dear friends!

Our daughter Eva urgently needs another bone marrow transplant.The time is running out! 

It is necessary to start the treatment as soon as possible, as long as the cancer has not spread.
Please, we are begging for your help. So much has already been done ... We are out of strength and have no tears to cry anymore. The doctors‘ prognosis are encouraging us and giving faith. Due to the experimental treatment, Eve managed to retain remission for over a year, which gives her quite reasonable chances of a successful result of the new treatment. And it is your merit too - everyone who has helped us so far and never lost hope. After all, there are no somebody‘s children. Our family make a low bow and express gratitude to all of you.But father‘s donor cells can no longer control the growth of leukemia clones. As long as the number of them is not big - it's high time to strike. The donor search has been already instigated.

The clinic has presented us with a new bill for the procedure - 131 435,00 euros. But they are making terms with us, due to our story:  we need to make an 50 000 usd advance payment  in order to start treatment - anti-relapse chemotherapy. The sooner we start the treatment, the better chances of success. 42 thousand  need to be contributed before the transplantation procedure will start - it is about 2 months, while anti-relapse therapy will be carried out. The remaining amount can be paid during next three months.
Respond to our prayers, support our girl the way you can. Refer to your friends, to the friends of their friends, through reposts or personal communications.

Let angels help all of us.

Eve's Page on Facebook (in russian):

Eve's Website:

Eve's Generosity page:

Payments methods:

5 Oct 2016. 

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