Story of Three Adoptions by One Family... And How It Brought about Creating a Charity Fund for Kids with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

Hi Steemit Community and all @steemitcharity supporters!

Today we are bringing you an amazing story about a couple, who were strong enough not only to adopt kids with a serious disease, but to create a Charity fund to help others!

All the photos and the story were shared with us by @aksinya.

The charity has been reviewed by our team and all the proceeds from this post will go to the MYMIO Foundation.

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When I was writing this post I was crying. I was crying from pain about the kids with health problems and from happiness that such people like Olga and Peter Sveshnikovs exist. This post is about their incredible family and the CHARITY FUND they created.

Hi. It is me.
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I have known Olga for more than 10 years. She was always involved in many charity projects but I didn’t know about them at that time. First story I learnt was about the little girl, Maria, whose parents gave her up for adoption after they were told their daughter had leukemia. It was 2008.

Olga lived with Maria for 1 year in the hospital!!!!

Can you imagine? To spend a whole year of your life taking care of a sick child, not your child. My sister visited Olga at the cancer hospital to play with the kids to let their moms get some rest. I helped with kids transportation. After 1 year the little angel died. I believed till the last moment that our prayers would help. But it didn’t happen. And every year Olga with her family visits the grave of Maria on the 3rd of September, the day of her passing.

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Then Olga met her future husband. Guess where? While both helping people. They collected necessary things for the people who suffered from floods and brought them to the flooded regions. Peter has the kindest face I have ever seen. And he is a kind of outstanding person.

Peter is a religious rock musician and biker from a priest family.

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They were thinking about adopting children and suddenly they read a post about a boy with psychological trauma. He was given up for adoption twice. First by his parents and then by the people who adopted him after they learnt that he had serious genetic disease. It was Duchenne muscular dystrophy, an incurable disease.

Mostly boys suffer from this disease and they don’t live past the age of 20. It starts with minor muscle weakness which gets worse and worse over time. Then the boys even can’t turn over in their bed by themselves, they need a wheelchair, then heart problems and problems with breathing will follow. And…… the end.

The Sveshnikovs decided to adopt him even without seeing him. He turned out to be very handsome and nice boy. The beginning was not easy which is understandable as he was abandoned twice. His name is Alexey. He couldn’t talk and often cried at that time.

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This year he started to go to school and he can even read poems by heart. Look what a handsome guy he is. And he has absolutely happy eyes.

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In a half year after they adopted Alexey, the family of Sveshnikovs adopted Dasha when she was only 9 months, the little girl with Down syndrome. When you look at her, you can’t stop smiling as she is the sunniest child ever.

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Dasha with grandfather

3 weeks ago they impressed me again, they adopted a boy from Uzbekistan, Nikita.

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This family opened a fund called MYMIO to help the kids with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and other muscular diseases, and their parents.

In Russia this disease is considered rare and there is no special rehabilitation. In the remote regions diagnostics are very bad. There is one family with 3 boys with this diagnose. The eldest is 10 years old and all this time he was being treated for cerebral paralysis!!!

This fund organises psychological rehabilitation meetings twice a year. All expenses are covered by this fund, including transportation of all the kids from regions to Moscow and their accomodation. The parents and their kids need psychological help to accept that it can’t be cured and it won’t be a long life.

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The fund also collects money for special devices and treatment for these kids.

There are many volunteers who help them. I help this family with the kids’ transportation to different events. The kids are often invited to watch a movie in cinema or for different master – classes.

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Every year the fund organizes Christmas trees.

I have been there and I saw that they make these kids happy.

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Every year this fund organizes camps for kids with muscular diseases. It is extremely helpful as they help people not to forget to enjoy life, to see they are not alone. They share news about new development and possibilities for the kids.

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It is not the only project of this family. They and their families collect money for the kids whose moms are in prison.

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I want to ask to you to upvote this post to help this fund achieve their important mission. This fund really needs money.

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Published with the permission of Olga Sveshnikova, the founder of the CHARITY FUND MYMIO.

Thank you for reading and upvoting it.

God bless you!

As always with @steemitcharity, we will transfer all the money from this post directly to the cause!

If you would like to feature your charity in our next post, please, leave us a comment here and we will reach out to you!

We will post a monthly report with every dollar that was earned and spent by this account. Because we care.

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