Steem Church - need your input!

Dear fellows! Brothers and Sisters!

These past days I’ve seen a lot of things and matters devoted to steemit.
Steem whales and dolphins, steem houses, steem boats, steem cookies, steem tattoos, steem powered travels and parties…
Well, the list can be very very long!

So, I wondered if we have a Steem Church already…
I’ve googled and found NOTHING!!! Can you imagine this!

The question is why we still don’t have any steem churches?
Do we need a Steem Church?

Need you input urgently!

P.S. Well, def it is a joke just to get your attention, but there is something to think about here in terms of helping others, not just fundraising and crowdfunding for some useless shit… Your thoughts are more than welcome in comments to this post!

Any money I may get out of this post will go for charity. Let’s make it a better world!

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