CONTINUED: #5 OFFICIAL Charity post on Steemit - YOU help us move forward... And we do it!!

Here comes the Sunday!

You might be laying in your bed, preparing yourself a lazy breakfast or sipping champagne (why not?:))...

For me Sunday is a day for doing good stuff, and I invite you to join me!

Especially as with Steemit it has become easier than ever - as always with my Charity posts, your upvotes magically transfer into a good deed!

And let me remind you how.

First of all, we are an official non-profit company Handmade Charity based in New York.

And all the money I get here on the Charity posts go directly to our bank account, and here you can see exactly how it works.

Our goal is to help kids with disabilities integrate into the society, develop their communication skills and be accepted.

And we also thrive to help YOU and everyone around to overcome the prejudices and see how fun the interaction with these kids can be!

I've been posting on Steemit for Charity since one month, and three first posts have reached 342 SD, out of which I got 180 SD and they already landed on our bank account as 150 USD.

Is it a lot?

Well, compared to male makeup tutorials that collected over $10k here - not really:)

But does it help?

Of course it does!

We are just a startup and every dollar counts for us!

Here's what the money from Steemit mean for us:

It's 4 sets of colorful balloons - so 4 bright events!

It covers all food supplies for a picnic for 20 kids!

It's 5 sets of paper, pencils, flip-pens and stickers for the creative master class!

We are planning our next event in September, when kids get back from holidays and and NYC heat stops being so unbearable...

So my question to YOU will be - can we do more?!

I believe in Steemit as a powerful platform not only for collecting money, but also for benchmarking ourselves and what we do.

You upvotes mean a lot to us not only because we need cash (and we do need it!:)) It motivates! It's important to feel that we are doing the right thing!

As always, I am happy to be here and sending you the good vibes:)

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