It is time once again for another outreach


It is the season of love and GLOW Com is not missing out in this awesome season where we get to show love to all those around us. The big news is, come Saturday 22nd, December 2018; GLOW Com will have its grand final outreach of the year. As usual, just like our main goal is to provide help to the under-privileged and needy in society, this month we are going to step out once again to do just that.

As per the normal drill, we have identified the person we are reaching out to this month. It is a poor old crippled beggar we see on the streets of commercial avenue Bamenda everyday. His name i got as Mr Martin and talking to him, he gave me an account of his sad story of how he bacame crippled. He told me he was a very hardworking man who struggled to survive just like every other person. He dug toilets for the local inhabitants and that was what he did to earn a living. On that faithful day, he was at his work. He was climbing up from the new hole he just dug when he suddenly slipped and fell into the very deep hole.

The fall was so severe that they doubted if he was going to survive. By God's grace he did survive but his spinal cord was affected and it was confirmed that he will never be able to walk normally. He could only used crutches to aid him in walking. He had no one to look after him and everyone deserted him. It happened 15years ago and eversince, he has been begging on the streets to make ends meat.

I was touched by the story and that is why we decided to stretch out a hand to him this month. We really hope we come up with something that can really impact his life positively in a remarkable way. Even if it means putting just a smile on his face, we are willing to do just that.

This is GLOW Com and this is what we do. That is why we exist and we believe we can change the World by showing others love not only by words but by practical example. Be the change you want to be the World. That is what drives us to do the things we do.

Thank you for reading and feel free to support our cause by upvoting, resteeming or leaving a nice comment or message for Mr Martin.

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