Give out of Love


You don't give out of abundance but out of love

Many people out there always are like I will give when i am rich and have enough, what i have is so little; it will not make any difference etc.
We wallow down under excuses after excuses to exercise giving to tjose who are in desperate need of help but that should not be the case. If you cannot give now that yoy have little, then what makes you think when you have much you will?

We don't give because we have too much or out of excesses, we give out of love, out of necessity and out of duty as fellow human beings. Making use of evry little that we have to share with someone that has nothing is quite an honourable thing to do. It gives you a feeling of happiness and fulfilment to see another person smile because of something you did for them.

So you cab do a lot with the little you start giving today. Help those around you who need your help and try to always show love to all around you too. We are no saints here but we believe with a little work and trying everyday, we can make our world a better place for all. Where the gap in the income class and standard of living between both poor and rich is not too broad and appreciable. One should not be living in luxury and another in abject poverty.

We are GLOW Com; Lighting up the world.

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