Change the way of life, change life.

Change the way of life, change life.

We all know the story of David and Goliath. At that time, a monster used to scare and bother the children of a village. One day a seventeen year old shepherd boy came to visit his brother's house in the village. He asked his brother "why do not you fight harder with this monster"? His brother said, "Do not you see how big and powerful he is?" But the boy said, "No, he is such a big target that there is no chance of a mistake." The rest is history, the shepherd boy David stole a stone and killed the giant. The giant was the same, but the view was different. That's how our attitude determines how we will look. Success in a positive person is easy to throw bricks at short distances, but the success of a negative person is the mountain obstacle. So changing outlook will change life.

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