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The Challenge of resisting enslavement by the elite controlled Deep State

  " I feel a new energy of awareness sweeping through the internet community despite lots of deliberate misinformation out there to distract us from our genuine objectives. So resilient is the human nature. Despite the long term advantages of the Ruling elites possessing so much extra information, as information translates into power, which is available only to them, the battle lines are now being drawn in the halls of power and the gloves are off for the final battle for control of our planet Earth. This critical battle is between the Deep State controlled by the elites and the other 99.99 % of humanity who are using the internet effectively now to discover the true nature of our proposed enslavement through Agenda 21 and the Fema camps. The final build up to the resolution of this ongoing conflict is so timely as we are reminded in this 2009 docu of the ultimate goals of the elites - 

Just by sharing our well researched information thoughtfully with those who appear open to a new perspective, we can build a powerful force that continues to grow as we continue to organize ourselves thoughtfully through a horizontal organizational structure.  Whereas we are not sure how much longer our present freedoms will be available, it is important to grasp each moment to move our own agenda forward. Awakening one person at a time is better than doing nothing at all. 

We have so much to gain by choosing to focus on the positive aspects of the world we inhabit, for this will starve the elites who feed off the negative energy created by our pain and suffering. It is essential that we know we have the power to achieve this objective as pointed out in the first interview with Dr Anderson from the Labyrinth Group who run the ACIO ( Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization an elite subdivision of the US NSA ) on the website   

Exert 1  -      

"The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the 21st century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android.   "This alien race was prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind's collective intelligence and survival. These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoia . . . "     

Exert 2  -     

Anne: "I don't know why, but I have a hard time believing that you believe in God."   Dr. Anderson: "Well, I do. And furthermore, so does everyone within the Labyrinth Group -- including Fifteen. We've seen far too many evidences of God or a higher intelligence that we can't dispute its existence. It would be impossible to deny based on what we've observed in our laboratories."   

Confirmation of this Extraterrestrial threat is presented in this recent interview with William Tompkins a 94 year old currently working for the US Naval Secret Space Program - 
