Did the ChainCoin pump and hold crowd project fail?

If any of you don't know the story already, some crypto-currency YouTuber had recently fired up his fan base, to join him in what he was calling a "pump and hold" strategy via a collaborated crowd sourcing method.

And yes, I am purposefully refusing to say that ridiculously missed spelled version of the word hold by the way, and you should too... it's fucking retarded.

Anyway, as of now, I believe the project has failed, and some would argue that it was in fact an orchestrated scam to begin with, by the evil puppet master who started the project in the first place... including the man writing this boring post.

Below is a chart that illustrates the beginning of the pump.

ChainCoin Pump and Hold Chart

What do you think, was this a scam, or just some dumb ass playing God for a day? Please leave your two Bitcoin in the comment section below, and thank you so much for reading this garbage to the very end.

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