My favorite Chinese dessert!!

Bean curd puddings!!

You guys may or may not have heard about this, but its actually a really common chinese desserts especially in Hong Kong.

To simply describe it for those of you who are not familiar with it, its basically a very very soft tofu submerged in water. And people add different things to enhance the flavor.


The most popular bean curd putting must be the mountain water bean curd pudding. The water its served in is from rain water collected from hills or mountain, which is rich in minerals. Not to forget to mention the pudding themselves are rich in calcium and good for preventing osteoporosis.

People also add sugar or syrups to bring in that sweetness. And for my favourites, must be the addition of the ginger juice, which brings a little spicy flavors to it and its good for me body in terms of chinese medicine!!

Some shops do serve them in a wooden barrel, but to me, how the tofu was made and the water that its in makes all the difference.

If you ever run into bean curd pudding, be sure to give it a try and hope you like it.

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