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The importance of learning languages/proč jsou cizí jazyky důležitý

The importance of learning languages.
At the moment I'm learning Russian. I find it fascinating with all those funny letters and roly-poly accent, but it's a great feeling to be doing something for myself. For me learning a language is three things: fun, fantastic brain development, and the key to opening many doors. This may be travel or work or more learning. Ok, it's not so fun in the traditional sense, but if you can get past the boring bit of looking up words in dictionary, and writing down sentences, it's fun to watch Brat брат with original voices, or doughnut колобок and other such fairy-tales, and fun to talk to people in Russian!

So how long does it take to learn a language? For adult? I would say anywhere between 2 and 20 years, because guess what? It depends purely on how much work you put in. Albeit one factor: whether you live in the country speaking the new language. That is way the most important factor. Learning a new language from scratch when you don't live there... is really really hard. I chose Russian because its close to Czech, a language I am fluent in and because it's a pretty cool language and I combine old-fashioned dictionary and text-books, YouTube videos of various shape and form and duolingo. I'd love to go to lessons, but it's just too expensive for me. I plan to do an hour three times a week for a year and see where I'm at. So far I've done three months, so... Wish me well, and Да свидание 😜
TEĎ se učím ruštinu, protože je to fascinující, a proto mě to baví a třeba mě to pomůže pracovně, až to bude potřeba. Já používám starý metodik jako slovník a učebnice, video na YouTube a duolingo jako app.
Tak jak dlouho trvá učit se cizí jazyk. No hodně to záleží jestli tam bydlíte. Ale druhá věc je kolik do toho dáte ví. Chtěla by dělat rok tři krát týdně na hodinu, zatím jsem dělala tři měsíce 😛
Tak uvidíme kde budu za rok,
Да свидание