Technology as the key to success


In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on the importance of careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and the imminent need to train professionals in these subjects to cover the growing work demand that exists in these areas of knowledge.

In a visit to the writing of El Tiempo Latino, Professor Jonathan Fichter, Technology Coordinator at St. Patrick's School Episcopal Day School in Washington, DC, highlighted two data that may be the key to choosing higher education courses. and not to be left behind with technological advances in this 21st century,

"The first thing is that between 2018 and 2025 it is estimated that about 350,000 jobs will be opened in DC in these areas and you still have to train the majority of these professionals," said Fichter.

"The other attraction is the fact that in the DC area the average salary for professionals in these STEM branches is $ 110,000 per year, while in other areas it is $ 75,000," he added.

The universities in the United States are doing their job of trying to attract those students interested in STEM careers, but according to Fichter, the work in these sciences with children and young people must start from primary and secondary education.

"Parents need to look for schools in which to prepare their children for the hundreds of thousands of jobs that will be available in the future in the area of ​​information technology," says Fichter, who recommends giving these opportunities to their children.

"Computer science and technology foster very important skills for students in terms of problem solving, collaboration, creativity. All students need opportunities, "he said.

In the public and private schools of the metropolitan area of ​​Washington, technology in education has been intensified, given the benefits that help improve classroom performance and the increased interest of students in academic activities.

"If a guy likes to play, the STEM career studio will fascinate him to help the world, have fun, earn lots of money and collaborate with the community. You have to develop as a child the ideas of building something, solving problems, coding, creating applications and designing sites on the web. Every year we have students who are winning awards for their work with technology, "said Professor Fichter.

The Internet and the variety of electronic devices have facilitated this task that has meant a global change in the use of technology.

"At St. Patrick's, all of our students receive technology education, it's not an option, it's for everyone because we need to send the message that everyone can learn it," he said.

However, just as computer science offers a world of benefits for children and young people of school age, parents, teachers and administrators must emphasize the good use of computers and other electronic devices such as tablets and cell phones.

"In the Internet world children and young people are very exposed and although it is true that there are very good things there are also risks of misuse of technology with applications, websites and social networks," he warns.

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