Final Lesson

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There is a final lesson about how to look for problems, and that is not to look for problems. Instead, look for subjects with interesting data. Try to intrude into the dark areas of your mind, those spots that have not yet had the grace of understanding. And there you have it — if only you could remember all this stuff when you actually needed it!

The mind is meant to get bored. It takes a lot of strength to stop the brain from sedating its constant activity, but it is necessary. In order to conquer the next level, our perception must reach higher standards, to touch greater dimensions of reality, one must free his mind from the limiting forces of culture, social norms and monetary values.

Intuitively, we know that these dark spots of incompetence are where our biggest opportunities lie. The challenge is to figure out what they are.

The outer world limits our minds. The finite nature of external stimuli determines the lifespan of our respective minds. For example, only a very few perceptive individuals are capable of experiencing more than simple human relationships and interactions.

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