Ocean and Sea (fable)

Ocean and Sea

On the sandy shore lived Sea and Ocean,
They carried their waves, slowly melting,
And the sun shone, splendidly shining over them.

Sea was calm, smooth,
Its shore was covered with sand,
And children on this shore
Played with sand and built the castles of their dreams.

Free image from Pixabay

Ocean was violent and powerful,
Its waves never stopped,
And on the shore there were high rocks,
Which were protection from the storm and the wind.

They were different, Sea and Ocean,
But sometimes they were on the way, and they met.
And one day, on the shore,
They met again, not at all surprised.

Sea says: "Hello Ocean!
How did you get here, tell me, buddy!
Ocean smiles and says:
"I wandered in here by accident, I'll stop here for a minute."

They talked like old friends,
Exchanged experiences about life,
About how important it is to be strong and not give up,
About how beautiful it is to be free and honest.

But the time has come, and everyone went his own way,
Leaving in memory this wonderful meeting.
Differences did not bother them at all,
Despite the difference, they will always be there.

And so they lived, Sea and Ocean,
Each on its own shore, many millions years,
While the Earth's tectonic plates
Moved beyond recognition across everything.

Now there is a mountain range in that place,
Geologists beat it with hammers, studying the stones.
They find the remains of fishes and understand
That once there was Ocean... Or maybe Sea...
Or it was Ocean?
Geologists are not entirely clear about this place.

The original text was written by me in Russian. I haven't studied English systematically so the translation may not be ideal. The main work was done by Google Translate, I just corrected obvious absurdities, where I noticed them and where I did not confuse them with brilliant insights.

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