A Sick Nation

For decades, we have felt such a beautiful brotherhood. We are of different religions, ethnicities, and languages, but we remain united.

Look at those kids, they are friends, their fathers come from different ethnics, Will we destroy their friendship because of our ego?

But what I feel today is living by planting the seeds of division. We get angry easily and we easily accuse others of this and that.

Religion is a tool of division.

We see today that there are many religious leaders who feel that the religion they believe in is the most correct and the others are wrong. We believe that the religion we follow is the truth, but we don't have to blame others. Let the differences exist because they will not be equated.
Some groups become the buzzers of the authorities, and some are in opposition. In the world of democracy, the situation is normal, but today in my country, the situation is going to be chaotic.

Living with logical thinking is needed in this situation. There is too much hoax news. If the conditions are like this for a long time, Indonesia is going to be separated into some regions or countries.

Leaders gain benefits for themselves. They will act if they get a profit for themselves and their groups.
When will Indonesia become a big nation? The attitude of pride towards their etnics is arousing. Once there is a trigger that causes chaos, Indonesia will be split into some parts.
When will we fix this nation? We can start from now. We can start with ourselves. We must have an open-minded attitude to differences. We do not have to say, " I have the right to this nation" because the nation was built on the differences of our founding fathers.

Are we going to be crushed by the little things? Come on, friends from the Hive from Indonesia, forget the differences. Please support your favorite political figures, but don't insult others. If you are religious in your beliefs, you don't have to blame others. If someone asks you about your beliefs, just answer what you believe without judging their beliefs.

Don't we have the motto "Bhineka Tunggal Ika"?

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