Handling drug abuse

I have seen that drug abuse is a serious social problem that affects human in the society, the national and international community. We can prevent drug abuse through the following ways:

Ways of reducing drugs abuse

  1. Choosing Good Friends: The role of friends in the lifestyle of an individual is very important. You can be easily influenced by your friends. That is why you need to apply wisdom in order to choose the right kind of friends. There is an adage that says, "bad company corrupts spoil useful habits or good manners". This means that if you are a good person from home but you decide to be friends with a drug addict, you can be easily influenced.

Who are your friends? Are they of good character? If any of your friends involved in drug abuse, kindly advise him or her but if he or she refuses to change do not walk with him or her again. Always follow responsible friends because "birds of a feather flock together".

  1. Forming Drug-Free Clubs: In order to discourage drug abuse in school, you can form a drug-free club. A club is an association of people or a group of people with a common interest. Now that you know the dangers of drug abuse, with the help of your teachers and parents, you can form a club. You can help others who are drug abusers to change and drop the habit.

  2. Constructive Use of Time:* The way people use their time is very important. Remember that "an idle mind is the devil's workshop." If you are not occupied with something meaningful, there is the possibility of being influenced by others. As a student, do you have a study timetable? Do you have time to play? There is time for everything. Try to cultivate a time management habit. This will help you to stay away from the influence of drug abusers.

  3. Acquisition of Coping Skills: There are a number of skills that are necessary for individuals to acquire in order to prevent them from drug abuse or the influence of drug abusers. These skills are:

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