My Experience of Using HELIOS.VOTER: Russophobia or Unfortunate Mistake?

Now is the time to touch on one unpleasant subject.
I tried to avoid it carefully, as it didn't concern me personally before, but here I directly faced the Russophobic censorship on the Hive.

I'll introduce myself first! I am a Russian-speaking Ukrainian, I am on my own land at home. Here I try to draw public attention to the topics of war crimes of my country's government, terrorist activities against civilians, the consequences of funding the neo-Nazi regime on the economies of all of Europe, the persecution of the Orthodox Church by the government and the transfer of church property to schismatics.

Adequate discussions with opponents of any point of view are welcome here, as long as they take place within the bounds of decency and appeal to facts, not emotions.

Under one of my posts comes Russophobe and put a negative vote without any explanation. He has every right to do so, but I also have the right to find out what exactly he did not agree with or what in my content could hurt him!

I want to improve and I need feedback from readers!

Since I didn't get any food for thought from my guest, I decided to test the Helios service on him by buying him the lowest possible negative vote. This is the first time I've tested this service to purchase a negative vote. All the more such content deserves it and without my purchase!
See for yourself the content of a user with a reputation of 71+, who unfavorably evaluated my

Apparently my offended fellow countryman knows who to complain to, or it's an incredible coincidence but:
On the same day, yesterday, the Helios administrator -@theguruasia manually withdrew the votes I had bought because they did not comply with the rules, which were published the very next day!

In between those two comments, my account has not made any posts or ordered a vote for any contet! What was going on there, who influenced this decision, we will hardly ever know for sure, but clearly not a supporter of Slavic conservatism.

Of course nobody is in a hurry to return the spent coins to me, but I will hold off with accusations of scam and fraud.
Perhaps just now the Helios team is looking for a compromise mutually acceptable solution to the conflict in exchange for my burned tokens and their refusal to fulfill their obligations.
Maybe it is still possible to make it look like an unfortunate misunderstanding. Let's see.

My blog is not, has not, and will not attempt to insult anyone. Unless you are offended by the truth!
With my truth, I don't go first to people's blogs with points of view different from mine. My goal is not to annoy my opponents with spam in comments under their publications and incite disputes and quarrels, but to maintain my own resource, where those who wish can familiarize themselves with quality analytics based on verified events, cited by reputable media! Discuss on topics of interest, ask questions.

The associations it evokes are:
This situation reminds me of Facebook with its censorship algorithms.
They don't directly say that someone's point of view contradicts "party politics", they just hide the content from the audience.
In this situation, HELIOS has acted as a censorship tool, with the help of which Russophobes prevent the spread of undesirable information to a wide audience.

At the same time, you openly state in your commentary that out of many other conflicts, only the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be censored by you
US or Israeli special military operation is good, let's talk about it, Russia's special military operation is taboo??
Why we as civilized people should not discuss the political realities of everyday life, facts, and can not draw the attention of the general public to serious problems of our time with your service???

How do you think participation in non-proliferation of information contributes to the security and stability of the countries you comment on???

Regarding my article, from which you took a screenshot for your article.
Did you read the text? Did you understand the meaning?
There I wanted to say that Italy is following the path of Ukraine, a state where a lot of images like the ones you condemned in your screenshot have appeared.

Such images irritate many people, because it is always unpleasant to be deceived into being on the side of the states supporting Nazis and committing terrorist activities. (To recognize one's own mistakes requires a level of self-awareness, which is not inherent in everyone. But it also requires a sufficient level of awareness to make the right decisions and grow in self-awareness.

What annoys you more, the sfastica itself, or the fact that it is abundant in Ukraine?

On the promotion of your discord channel by attracting users under the pretext of a way to exclude them from the blacklist there is the following to say:
I don't use Discord, and I'm not going to install any applications to dialog with you about violating your retroactively published rules. I am ready to discuss your claims publicly right here.
To which I urge all those interested in this matter!

generated by bing on the query "sun-faced hive censor obstructing free speech"

In an ideal world, a customer has the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the rules of use of a product before purchasing it. Decent counterparties when changing the rules of the transaction give time to get out of it without loss to those who disagree with the new rules, but this is in an ideal world and with decent partners...

We have an expression "Everything will be Ukraine", it's a pity if it starts to happen with Hive even faster than with Steemit!

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