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@Drakos on censoship. Stupidity or Disingenuity?

Since most of Drakos post and comments about me are so dense with ignorance, lies and fallacies that no sane person would read through them let along get to my response. I will respond to them one by one as separate posts.


I'm not pretending, I'm actively and gladly flagging your self-upvotes because I don't think your dot is worth $20.

Why are you so proud of flagging $20 comments while we're talking about censorship?
You never even had the ability to censor anything of more than $5, actually without @wackou's airdrop you could not censor stuff above $1.71, which is already way more influence than I think your IQ should be permitted to have here.

Do we have to assume you will censor anything (via bot) and having to upvote them just above what you could flag them not to be censored?
Do you realize how retarded that is when you also claim to fight self-voting?

The dozens you censored were all ~1$ and were providing important information to the people affected by non-compliant services.

Automated censorship of all my comments using a bot with the keys of a dozen brainwashed minions was the reason for my swift round of flagging.

The "dot" post was just a test for further evidence of automation.

But here's the problem, the problem is you should know it by now or you know it but you ignore the facts as convenient.

Why you should know? Because automated censorship using your keys has been happening for more than a month and I always bother to go and contact you in your minion's den #the-resistance to let you know of what's happening.

Now try censoring that one like my last post.
