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A rant about Youtube and Reddit censorship.

I miss the good old days of the internet. Where you could vent your frustrations and use curse words without the fear of being censored. The oppressive censorship of the right wing maybe me feel intense empathy. It made me stop being liberal because, that's just wrong to smash the ban hammer on a conservative because you're a left wing site and have power over most of the internet.

The WeAreChange youtube channel personally made me stop being a liberal because he was exposing CNN for all of the horrible things they have done. He needs to be awarded a prize of some sort. Venezuela is proof that socialism doesn't always work. The most shocking event was the fact that CNN was so desperate for ratings they did some cannibalism.

WeAreChange got a bunch of backfire and got practically attacked by CNN like a hungry wolf of some sort. Now his mere mentions of the existence of Steemit and Dtube got me to come over here.

Now, I am sick and tired of being censored on Reddit and Youtube. A special part of me died when I saw a channel of someone who I looked up to get nuked by youtube. I remember even getting invited to one of his video game live streams and being one of his biggest fans. He had thousands of videos and everything was fun. Shocking to say at the least.

FUCK YOUTUBE AND REDDIT HAVE A BAG OF DICKS. I know that's not classy at all to say at the least but I mean come on, on the other hand censorship isn't very classy either. After not being able to do as much on Youtube got addicted to Reddit and, guess what! Damn reddit, banned one of the subreddits I was ACTIVE ON!

Censorship is horrible, down with it. Censorship is worse than curse words to say at the least. Reddit and Youtube are killing both of their platforms. They're purging it all and losing it all.

Voat, Steemit and Dtube are better than Reddit and Youtube! Down with them and, up with the alt platforms! Weeee! Revolt! Revolution! Freedom of speech is a great thing to have, fuck reddit and youtube.
