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Steemit Developer @sneak Hides Two Highly Revealing Posts Related To Verifiable Student Actors Involved in Florida School Shooting

This has happened twice now. @sneak hid the first post three days ago on February 21. I then made a post about the hiding of the other post by @sneak and included an explanation of how I remedied the situation. That explanation was to Steemit member @nationalpark. I also discussed this situation with a few other important Steemit members in the comment section of the two other posts. On February 24th @sneak hid the post addressing the explanation. He also hid my newest post which is a highly revealing condensed version of the large post that I put together to help better explain the verifiable (via their own Facebook pages) student actor aspect. That post also reveals some very important new material on other child actors.

All three posts are linked here -

Hidden by @sneak

Hidden by @sneak

Explanatory comment (offshoot discussion) hidden by @sneak -

I believe Steem was created to resist censorship and most steemian don't like censorship. However, before you get my support, I would like to ask a few questions:

The photos are graphic, would you consider to add a warning at the top or use nsfw tag?
Do you have the copyrights of the photos your posted?
Are you sure you can post the photos of the minors? Do you have the permission of the parents of the minors?


1 vote


clarityofsignal (60) · 2 days ago

All images come from open Facebook pages that the individuals chose to post on the Internet themselves to their own Facebook pages. I actually acquired them from someone else who collaborates with me from time to time, thus, I believe they fall under fair use, particularly in view of the fact these are now well known figures currently under scrutiny in the public eye and who are being researched heavily by the general public.

They are boosting their own presence on major 'news' networks around the world, thus, one would figure also that they would expect such scrutiny or else restrict public viewing of their pages to prevent it. Another way to look at it is in reverse, would they hope to have their images seen by talent scouts for their acting ability as shown on their Facebook pages if it should further their acting careers? For example, I have compiled hundreds of images of the White Helmets in Syria (who are terrorists posing (acting) as rescuers). I have researched them thoroughly for the past two years.

I consider it a public service and for the good of humanity that I help reveal their al-Qaeda deception. Should I have asked them for permission to use their images? Would the terrorists have removed the images that they previously placed on their own open Facebook pages if I had ask them for their permission? You can see where this goes.
The fair use doctrine recognizes that rigid application of copyright laws in certain cases would be unfair or may inappropriately stifle creativity or stop people from creating original works, which would harm the public. So, the doctrine allows people to use someone else’s copyrighted work without permission in certain circumstances. Common examples include: criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research.

There is actually only one supposedly graphic photo amongst those used for the post and it is blurry and shot from a distance and shows a dark skinned woman who appears deceased on the floor (she is receiving no medical attention, thus the assumption). I left a message with that image that CNN's own website does not feature a dark skinned female amongst the 17 deceased victims they have posted images of online. Thus, its possible she is an actor also.

The rest of the images that appear to look graphic are actually images from the make up artist that administers their teen antigun advocates acting troupe. They are fake injuries made to look real, hence the reason I posted them. The nsfw tag is now attached, although I don't really think it is necessary. I am simply posting it to placate the few people that are concerned in regards to such.


1 vote

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nationalpark (63)

· yesterday
Thanks for the explanation

Comments from @sneak to myself on February 24, 2018-

sneak (64)

· 6 hours ago

I flagged his post because baseless conspiracy nonsense like this doesn't deserve a cent in rewards. I couldn't care less about what is or isn't tagged NSFW. Shitposters (and apparently whiners who don't know what censorship is) shouldn't be earning here, in my sole personal opinion. I speak for no one but myself; any professional affiliation I may or may not have is irrelevant to my voting, as I vote with my own stake and no one else's.


sneak (64)

· 6 hours ago
Downvotes aren't censorship, dipshit. Put your tinfoil hat back on.


clarityofsignal (60) · 25 minutes ago

On such an important post it would have been professional of you to explain your desire to downvote the material. Incidentally, you haven't addressed the material and have instead resorted to demagoguery. Thus, your mentioning of tin foil hats says more about the person using the slur than the one it is directed against. Sad to see that one of the most important players at Steemit acts this way. You have also downvoted to hide a message from @nationalpark in this threads comment section.

On edit: I see you have tried to hide another one from fair public viewing. So now you have hidden two posts and the second one you just hid had no graphic images. The images in the post are of the students from Parkland who are verified via their own Facebook accounts as kids who are involved in the fields of acting, reporting and movie making. There are also make up artist images there of various types of fake wounds. I welcome your explanation as to why you hid that post and the other one before it. I would figure a Steemit developer would be very happy to have posts that receive over 3,000 views. Maybe I am wrong about that?


1 vote

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dinodog1 (42)

· 8 minutes ago
Well said, I am astonished at how well you kept your cool. There should be no reason for flat out name calling on this platform. It defintely says alot about the person posting the words.


clarityofsignal (60) · 14 seconds ago

Thanks @dinodog1. Sometimes the censorship actually works in my favor, as it highlights the actions of the person conducting the censorship and helps to paint a larger picture based upon those actions. Thus, If someone so high up amongst the leadership at Steemit shows this type of behavior I consider a community service and a service to humanity for me to help highlight that behavior. It may end up being addressed by other top tier players who have a stake in Steemit doing well as a platform and they may decide to help change things for the better. Who knows? One thing I am very aware of these days is that there is no room for emotions in geopolitics.
My responses to @sneak certainly aren't emotional and I appreciate you pointing that out, on the other hand his responses are quite unprofessional. Thanks for your comment. Kind regards.