Censorship on Quora for Israel, Without Fail..!

Censorship is not good for platforms especially when the topic is a current one and touches the lives of millions of people, people have the right to debate and be heard, platforms offering their space for debate shouldn't engage in censorship when the information exchanged is not including profanity or harmful threats.


Quora is a Q & A wiki social platform that makes its living on the account of its contributors content, just like Facebook and Twitter, they don't produce their own content, they need the contributions of their users to earn money, therefore, they have no right to censor contents based on their biased opinion or if it doesn't help further an agenda of one party over the other, let alone that agenda is a sinister one, and this is exactly what Quora moderators do whenever the topic is related to Israel.

I'm not sure if they're Israelis or Zionists or even Evangelicals, what's sure from their censorship is they're pro all these three misled ideologies that believe that in order to expedite the return of Jesus Christ they need to serve Satan and the Anti-Christ by building his temple on stolen land.

I've shared dozens of censorship interactions with Quora here on this platform before, and there's a new one. A very short question of mine based on established facts which are even shared on platforms known to be pro-Israeli like Wikipedia has been 'collapsed' by Quora moderators. Collapsing an answer is like shadowbanning, they hide your contents from readers unless you dig for it. My answer was for the question put by another member: Why was Israel able to get rid of 180,000 Syrians from Golan Heights so quickly in 1967?


The following is the full copy of my answer which got collapsed by Quora, sharing my answer here to preserve it from being wiped out when Quora decides to take their next step in censorship which is suspending my account there and also to share the knowledge with the readers of this platform and seek their views on this, so this is my two paragraphs answer that warrants the censorship by Quora:

Knowing the criminal nature of the IDF terrorist organization which was built on its Haganah, Irgun, and Stern predecessors, any family head would flee with his children to safety, nobody likes to end up chopped in pieces like what happened to the Palestinians in Deir Yassin, for instance, or Sabra and Shatilla in south Lebanon later, or by terrorist groups that learned from the IDF and its predecessors.

Now that ISIS is being defeated and Nusra Front is next, the defeat of the IDF is imminent and would cost less and the Syrians will return to their land in the Golan and send back the foreign imported settlers and land thieves to their home countries.


That's it, end of my reply.

Everybody who knows a bit of the history of Israel knows exactly what happened in Deir Yassin and in Sabra and Shatilla, knows also who these terrorist groups and how the IDF evolved from them, you can also read my previous answer on Quora preserved in this post with all evidence needed: Who Took the Palestinians Properties and Why They Can't Return to their Homes?

Your objective comments are always welcome.

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