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@celfmagazine & @sndbox Writing Competition - Inspiration Behind the Story.

First of all, I want to appreciate @sndbox and @celfmagazine for hosting such a wonderful contest for writers to display our skills and considering my post as one of the Honourable mention.


The region i come from, the major  occupation is “FISHING.” I was inspired by a true life story i was told while growing up. 

Many years before i was born, a lot of people living within that geographical region use to have these strong beliefs for gods or deities. Myths that have been passed down from generations by our forefathers have been used to brainwash the people, making them to belief that when things goes so bad, a deity somewhere is responsible for it, nobody believes in the natural course of action. This in turn, has a psychological effect on them. The determination to succeed is no longer there as a result of fake believes. You see youths walking around aimlessly having this feeling that they have been cursed by one supreme deity.  People who are lucky to break out from this bondage are people living in the cities that have a different orientation considering the fact that they have been enlightened. This is clearly portrayed in the part one of the story.  

 The part two of the story talks about a man, who despite all odds and discouragement was able to break out from that mentality by, been the first richest man to be known all over the country with fishing business through determination without moving an inch from the village. His life story made people understand that whatever we put our mind to do something, we can do it and that man is the architect of his life. A monument was made in “Okrika” for him as a source of reminder to the upcoming generations that been successful is a mindset it doesn’t matter where you are, once you have that determination to excel, no force in hell can stop it. 

Thank you for reading this post about my inspiration.